Don Baker GCRC Week 5

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Don Baker GCRC Week 5

Week 5 has seen a slight progression in the cup. Excel made easy work of & disposed of NET while FIFg surprisingly upset the heavily favored FatGames.

United States of America NET vs >> United States of America 0-4
Belgium FIFg vs TFG Europe 4-0

I would like to extended a special thanks to NET & FatGames for participating

FIFg advances to the next round to face off against ButtonBashers.

Belgium FIFg vs BB Europe
Match Page

Maps: radar, sp_delivery_te (Tie Breaker Oasis)

I would ask that both teams try to get this match in by Saturday so that the winner can play excel on Sunday which is the ideal day for international matches.

Current Losers Bracket

image: 90_1227624778
FIFg vs TFG 4-0

Belgium FIFg vs TFG Europe 4-0

enjoy the match on demand :-)
I saw it already, but still


Yeah FG losing to FiFg, maybe Overload will win EC now as well?
where is the problem ? teamwork and pracc > names

they deserved the win cause they played great.
yeah because FG doesn't practice at all and they have no teamwork whatsoever
They won, whats the problem?
fanboys dont like it when their idols lose one game
ye because I obviously am fanboi of some guy who got banned for leaking his anti-cheat, cool
It looked that way, my mistake then.
wondering why those americans got these easy opponents
rofl conspiracy

just the way it played out, check the full bracket
thx fatgames
I've specced a few of their pracs in the last week, that FiF game is the worst they've played by miles. Immediately after that game they beat Epsilon something like 7-3 in prac. Prac only ftw! :D
only to get raged again the next day!
lets see what today has to offer :D
lol fif wtf omg
et = dead
FiFg vs BB will be played this sunday, 21CET
The winner gonna play vs Excel on Sunday too?
If FIFg wins then yes most likely, I have yet to talk to BB.
It's Thanksgiving weekend, so half our team wil probably be caught in traffic. :\
we will be able to play vs excel right after our match vs bb, but BB said to me they can't so :-( but there's no other date/time available to play this match...
TFG lan only!
when a team who have played together for pretty long time own just formed random mix of highskillers, you know ET is alive.
Do you actually do anything apart from post 'LAWL ET IS DEAD, BUT IM PLAYING ANOTHER GAME SO ITS OKAY'
good job so far evil!

gg - on paper i thought fatgames should easily win... wp fif
it's not because you left the game that it's dead, get over it.
Sorry, but that makes absolutely no sense. I don't normally wade into these 'is ET dead' arguments, because they're totally pointless, but when a team that is considered worse beats a team considered better that is, most surely, an indication that a game is alive. It shows that the top level is not stagnating (evident from the close fought battles between bb, mamut, k1ck and VAE in recent cups), a clear sign that the game is active.

As a note, ET is certainly in decline, but so long as there are at least two teams active it can't be called dead, and I don't see that happening for a long time. Furthermore, I'm not "addicted to the game". I also follow most other competitive teambased FPS games.
Whoah, im a nerd because i still like ET, which you then go onto admit you love... Hmmmmmmmmmm. Secondly, how do you know what games i like? I play ET perhaps 2 days a week atm, playing WoW instead :)
I noticed how you didnt reply to anyone else and only managed 'LAWL NERD, BUT IM COOL COZ I DONT PLAY ET'-like reply to me. Says everything it needs to say :D
You know what they say about ignorance ;D
Go excel! >> pew pew!
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