A small KOTH update

image: blairThis isn't really that newsworthy, I'm just placing it on the mainpage so it gets hits and a "look at me" effect.

Contrary to some people's belief, the lack of an update on Wednesday did not mean the competition was dead. The helix vs elite game was a fantastic occasion, and we've been working hard to emulate that game in the future. Previously the week structure, if you remember, was along the lines of a 2-day challenge window, followed by a mini-cup system and then the KOTH match on a Sunday. In theory this sounded fine, but in reality, and having seen the opening game, I felt the need to spread things out, and make the games that bit more special, rather than being all bunched up and happening every week - something which detracted from the 'special' value.

As from now, clans will have 3 days following the KOTH game to submit their challenge. They then have a further 6 days to play their playoff games, at whatever time suits each clan best. Playoff games are still 1 map as before, the map being decided by me and cycled each time. This week the map is braundorf_b4. Although the playoff games naturally throw up some nice games, due to to the nature of the clans involved, it has been decided that they will all be played behind-doors, meaning they will not have ETTV, shoutcasters, or a full-length report. Following the conclusions of these playoff games, of which the scores will be reported, the playoff winner then has 5 days with which to organise the KOTH game with the current champion clan, in this case helix.

So an overview, this would be an example match cycle:

Sunday - KOTH game
Monday -> Wednesday - Challenges taken
Wednesday -> Tuesday - Playoff games played
Tueday -> Sunday - KOTH game played at anytime in this period

If you need it even simpler: We're playing this over 2 weeks rather than 1.

You might perhaps be wondering who is currently in the frame to play helix. At the moment we are awaiting a date for Belgium cZar to take on Europe northern darkness. Like I have said, the winner will go on to play helix, in a match that will both be announced in advance and given ETTV, shoutcasters, and probably some free dellekes thrown in too. So you see, the KOTH is alive and well, and hopefully in a format that is for the better over all.

love, foonr.
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