EC Loser bracket for the win!

image: ecxviiilogo_small

This year’s last november sunday will stay in your memory. It is because it’s highest time to know who exactly will be fighting for EuroCup XVIII trophy. On the one side, in the grand final we will certainly welcome Europe Button Bashers – the winner of winner bracket, considered by the most as the biggest favourite. This top team has won their consecutive road into the grand final after losing one map only- versus Finnish powerhouse Finland Vicious And Evil. On the other side, we will have the winner of the sunday’s loser bracket final. And for those teams show we are awaiting!

Poland k1ck has clearly won group D, considered to be the group of death. After 4-2 win versus Croatia Cortana, they won the battle for Poland versus Poland replay devilry. In the upper bracket final, their winning streak was stopped by Europe Button Bashers.

Probable lineup:

Poland Wrobel
Poland wiesiek
Poland Templar
Poland Frag’Stealer!
Poland Xanah
Netherlands Lightning

Quote by wiesiek I don’t expect any revelation performance from us as we didn’t practice much. Furthermore, Poland wiaderko is praccing with United Kingdom FatGames for cc5 and we will probably not see him on sunday’s game. I'm not going to comment this on public forum.
I think that the only team which can beat Europe mamut is Europe BB and there’s nothing far away. We’ll be happy if we can take 1 map.

Slovenia mamut is the winner of group B. Later on, in the first round of upper bracket, they lost 2-4 versus Finland VAE. Beating Belgium overload and again Poland replay devilry opened the doors to the third round of loser bracket fights. Thanks to the revenge on Finland VAE, they are still in the cup, with the ambition to play in the grand final.

Probable lineup:

Estonia RELOAd
Estonia Night
Germany Urtier
Germany senji
Germany Drago
Slovenia JaKaZc

Quote by JaKaZc We don’t have any special preparations for this game. I think we pracced twice before game and thats it basically. We are not in top form yet, but I hope we will be until CC5 which is our priority at the moment , EC is most likely pracc for lan.
I dont know much about k1ck, we pracced vs them few times, they were not that bad, but I think if we play like we should do, we will win, but ofcourse anything can happen:)

Players predictions:

Latvia Clown

Mamut should win this one without problems since I haven't seen k1ck praccing lately as much as they did before. I’ll be honest, I’d rather face k1ck than mamut, but if k1ck manage to win mamut, then we will have hard time beating them, so in the end, it doesn't matter.

Ireland sol
4-0 mamut unless they're really rusty.

Germany ScaTmaN_ will take it 4:0. drago + night = they cant lose :)

Poland kot
4-2 for mamut.

Belgium Lazio
I’d say 4-2 for k1ck.

image: game7732

Time: Sunday 21.00 CET
Maps: TBA
Coverage: Belgium Bartichello & Poland Homer

Radio Commentary:

Poland sok1 -> Listen to s0k1
France Esox -> Listen to Esox
Portugal Candyman -> Listen to Candyman
United States of America Mistaken -> Listen to Mistaken

gtv link:

CB war report will be available on monday/tuesday.
scatman quote xDDDDD, ET is dead!

Edit: 1st :O
wjadro szmiro ;[
FF-Templar has been kicked by PunkBuster Memory/Inject Disallowed Program/Driver [142008]

coincedence he had something injecting into cgame.dll? hope so :D
so he's busted?
it could be:

1) spoofer
2) full multihack
3) no damage feedback
4) no recoil/aimbot

2 players i know have talked to me and admitted they were using one of those, also on the public channel of crossfire or

(20:02:15) (+Speedy-Bozar) what can i do when its says disallowed program/driver pls?

kinda lol'd
In this match ->

If you VoD this you can see Juize gets always kicked by that

whats his nick in the lineup?
it's not a cheat.
so it's not 100% sure that he uses smth?
Even if he is a blatant hacker maybe wait before you completely piss on someone's parade? At least that way you might actually give yourself some credibility.
who cares about credibility, i'm just opening peoples' eyes.
was about to say the same

nice saying! gotta remember that one :O)
come on irc noob, i installed cpma!
He's been told over 'n over 'n over, just a kid.
5) you are an asshole and mindless fuck

tlen, you fucking moron, half of poland got the same prob. go and download this shit, run it with et and then accuse yourself of cheating (points 1 to 4). hf
no dmg feedback no recoil aimbot + hitler skins only lol ... disallowed :O ?
skill drop incoming?
I had the same problem

after pb update it was fixed <<
if they stopped it its because they wanted to test it before they release a violation
its time to open yours
nice reply skills ;)
idd nice miss by me :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Well you're wrong mr.killerboy and im not defending templar but a friend of mine is kicking for that when he is gonna turn on program named "Tlen" Polish communicator.
I agree with that, I have the same problem
fyi you can get disallowed program/driver when going windowed (alt + enter) @ vista... (or even @ vid_restart)....
X D D D lol'd , nice try though
et merc avi (rifle)
i know who Poland tba will most likely be !!
but wiaderko :'(
im geting sick from all these: "we dont pracc too much" statements...
you just dont reach their level kid,
but he got a point. every single team says so in their statement and there's hardly an ec-team which "practices much" anyway.
firstly, if you want to talk about "levels" proove you're higher than me in teh ladder...

and its fucking hilariuos how inactive EC teams are... pls how stupid person can be to belive in this shit?
but in both cases it is true. we used to play vs k1ck like every day in the early season now weve played them once in 2 weeks something :D, either ive seen mamut praccing that much

and about the match, I think both teams should be able to take their home map and in the end mamut should be able to pull it out, k1ck can be amazingly good but also when they are having a bad day its also a bad one, will be interesting match to watch for sure!
it's their excuse for sucking, atleast we had a real one!
Should they lie?
they shouldnt take it as some kind of achivement
couldn't say it better
well said mate
its an excuse in case they lose rather than boasting oneself, you know
WTF. Why would scatman give prediction? usually good and skilled and known players do that :D:D:D
you up for a prediction mate? we need someone to replace scatman's quote
what ur saying is the biggest bullshit ever, everyone with some knowledge about this EC and the teams playing in it could give prediction.... if it makes sense or not, care, prediction!

and what to say about this match, theres no way mamut will lose this xD
Clown Kot Sol & Lazio ScaTmaN hmm
blame me for not giving statements at all LOL
slajdan mind mama pepper, oh nvm that makes perfect sense !
lazio kenta sup3r nunca ecklav
Am I the only one who has no idea who Lazio is?
old rifler for 141 sleeperz, i believe he made a rifle movie as well
fredd made a movie of him, it was his first one.
fail lazio
gL k1ck
templar hacking for sure
u must be a newbie if you dont know the UBERFORUMSPAMMER SCATMAN!
UBERFORUMSPAMMER? with ur clessposts?
I think FF has pracced the most from all teams :d
1 month ago, not now.
dont forget Sup3r !
dont forget kenta !
nice, u can name a cheater that i played with like a year ago, i can name 5 of u 1 week ago.
yeah like the fact that a year passed is making it so much better than in my case
if u think like that why u keep calling them cheaters , since their "busts" years have passed except for slajdan he was discharged
4-0 for jaki chan
gl polakies :]
GL FF you will need it :D
senji once senji twice
mamut 4-0
So now Night rifles for mamut full time or what?
why? everything is the same. there's still jakazc in the team and i guess they wont be playing braundorf (i remember revers playing rifle there) :)
Jakazc plays rifle? Damn I must have not been paying attention. :(
Templar=Gnadja or his twin brother, same b-day at cb profile :o
at least I've played many times vs them so that both are playing, so guess that guy got 4 hands or something :)
you only need 1 hand to play et!
hmm, that might be possible :)
you only need to walk:D the bot does the rest
ByeBye killerboy!
Mamut will take this for sure :)
easy win for drago
wow i recognized some names
nice statement clown :D

Tomorrow the sun will shine, also a chance of rain combined with some periods of heavy snow.
16:16:18 (EVU|CUP-Homer) can i ask about your predictions for kick-mamut game?
16:17:29 (bb\Clown) mamut should win this one without problems since i havent seen k1ck praccing lately as much as they did before.
16:17:46 (EVU|CUP-Homer) Who would you like to face in the grand final?
16:19:04 (bb\Clown) Ill be honest, id rather face k1ck than mamut, but if k1ck manage to win mamut, then we will have hard time beating them, so in the end, it doesn't matter.
16:19:59 (EVU|CUP-Homer) allright thx
damn show me good polish riffle able to play in tis match :/
its actually not so hard... we've always got plenty of good rnaders
i meant enough good for EC looser barcket final. imo only wiadro,krein and robol have skills for plaing in such a high lvl. but ive got nothing against newtalent pwning mamut today :D
most of us have something against new talents.
rotten conservatist! :D
I am only too old to learn somethin new.
hmmmm... didnt he play for other team in oc?
The only team he might have been playing is Authentic Gaming. And even if he played, APL could have been used by k1ck.
polish? i heard the rifle will be Netherlands !!
if you need a high+ Poland rifle though they should take Poland belko, he's amazing!
Poland belka !!! , idd amazing;)
thanx for lazio's prediciton, it means a lot to me
will be a great match :DDDD
gl mamut
<3 reload
Poland tba = Netherlands Lightning
image: img_a7a37fb8d7411616ea5c7136f2ae9d5c
wp k1ck, but epic bremen by night and urtier ;)
rly great game ;] thx to light who did great job , and got to admit we lost vs a bit better opponent :) gl vs BB
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