Luger Frag - Episode 2

After the first episode was a rather short one due to unforeseen circumstances, the second episode of Luger Frag is going to be all the more exciting. Since the result of the vote that we could see here earlier this week came out with a majority for Sunday, 18 CET, this is exactly the time at which the show is going to start. If you miss it though, there will be recordings available as usual.

The program for tonight's show is the following:

ETTVd - a new era of ETTV

This week saw the release of an amazing ETTV package. What are its features, how do broadcasters and viewers benefit? Germany arni and Germany skooli have given their comments on that and will tell you what to expect.

ET's most versatile players

We will have a look at the players who can handle more than the SMG. Some choices are obvious, others aren't. So it's going to be not only me who choses the MVP's (and those least versatile), but as well you - live during the show.

Map test - Heart Of Gold Beta 10

Already largely popular in the country Australia Down Under, Heart Of Gold has been called the new Gold Rush. Does the map live up to the promise of being an awesome map for competition? We will take a look and you can test it yourself. Get the map @

ET changes - what lies ahead?

With a lot of changes being proposed in recent weeks, what's really worth giving a second thought to? Mortar removed, mines reduced, spawn times changed? Wales Cypher, United Kingdom rAzbo and Netherlands stewie are going to join me for a nice round of chitchat.

ET and the ESL - the odd one out?

The ESL Winter Series comes to an end tonight. Time to take a look at the future tournaments the ESL has planned. Are they going to be a major player among CB and WL - or even better than those? Germany chosen has given me some insight on these issues.

Call-ins will be taken via Skype, you can get it at !

Be sure to join us in #lugerfrag for all the IPs and votes at 18:00 CET

URL to tune in: iTG Server 1
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