Warleagues ET:QW Infantry Season 1 Tournament

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Warleagues ET:QW Infantry Season 1 Tournament


Time Scale:

Signups will open tomorrow and stay open untill Friday 12th of December at 23:00 CET.

Exact tournament dates are to be announced, but our intention is to start 15th of December, playing 1 match per week. Match times will not be fixed (teams will be allowed to schedule).


ET:QW 4v4 Stopwatch


Same as clanbase 4v4 Rules found here for Patch 1.5 and ET:QWpro 0.7
All matches have to be played with wl4v4 server config which can be found here


Area22, Island, Salvage, Sewer, Volcano, Maridia ? have to be decided


This is primarily a European tournament but open to all teams across the world. All matches however will be scheduled to suit European teams and be played on European servers.

  • All members should register with www.warleagues.com
    please note the site is optimised for use with firefox which can be downloaded here for free
    using Internet explorer may result in some bugs such as constantly being logged out

  • The Team Captain should then create a new team in 'My Central' inc. setting of join password

  • then The Team Captain should create an ET:QW Squad.

  • Each member now has to search for the team using the menu on left hand side & apply to join the ET:QW squad. Please note that search function is case sensitive.

  • The Team Captain will need to accept each member in 'My Central' and give them the appropriate rights.

  • Each member must enter their GUID by editing their profiles which will now contain ET:QW since they are part of an ET:QW Squad.

  • Once you have 6 registered members with valid GUIDs you can apply to join Warleagues.

  • A full list of teams that have successfully signed up to tournament can be viewed by searching for teams participating in ET:QW.

  • Further help is available at the IRC channel #warleagues (@Quakenet)

News: ET:QW, eSports
etqw has to work it's way around the filter to get some attention :p
Signups will open tomorrow. And stay this untill Friday12nd of Novembre at 23:00 CET.

Nice fail.
Gl with Tourney.
Good luck with the tourney, but please have someone with slightly better engrish proof read before you post next time - and when copy/pasting news remember to add any links.
Can you give me some examples for what he hasn't really written well? ;-)
Not meant as offence, just want to know and improve that myself :p
Already edited it sry :v
looking for et:qw team:)
need team, playing strogg medic only.
omg new cup and i have no team cuz Team-Gauntlet.ETQW! goes inactive last week -.-

need new team! pm me plz :)
gl with the cup :) u will need it
how could u guys loose vs this polaks!?
u mean teamplay wise :P?
or just individual skill?

for me it doesent really matter if i dont play a game in a while or not, my skill never gets lower :p
only sometimes
oO haxx only in gta
we just lost a match. The league aint over :) . maybe we will even have a train or two Alex :P
haha yeah, i wish u guys gl :)
Come back to ETQW, it's alive!
haha dont think its alive :p
rofl i think there wont be too many teams playing it.
huhu haha
hello mr. pro!
hello mr. Ibrahimovic oops mr. native Swedtard :O
4on4? how come, people dont like vehicles?
not all like vehicles, ye
its more about aim lesss about spam therefore some people like it
aim in ETQW = rotfl
not much different from ET
I lol'd and like ETQW more than ET
gl j4b with the cup. We are not going to play in it.
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