You’re not addicted – you’re just a recluse!

So says Keith Bakker, the founder and owner of the only gaming addiction clinic in Europe. In a recent interview with the BBC Mr Bakker states that just 10% of ‘addicts’ attending his clinic can be treated through traditional techniques for addiction such as abstinence, even though they're displaying classic dependence symptoms. The remaining 90%, he states, require psychological treatment and counselling, helping them improve their communication skills and self confidence in order to rebuild their lives.

Unsurprisingly, Mr Bakker ascertains that 80% of treated ‘addicts’ have suffered bullying and isolation at school, and so find an outlet in the virtual world. Often gamers angry with their personal lives vent their frustrations through their online persona.

Quote Using traditional abstinence-based treatment models the clinic has had very high success rates treating people who also show other addictive behaviours such as drug taking and excessive drinking.

But Mr Bakker believes that this kind of cross-addiction affects only 10% of gamers. For the other 90% who may spend four hours a day or more playing games such as World of Warcraft, he no longer thinks addiction counselling is the way to treat these people.

"These kids come in showing some kind of symptoms that are similar to other addictions and chemical dependencies," he says. "But the more we work with these kids the less I believe we can call this addiction. What many of these kids need is their parents and their school teachers - this is a social problem."

Following media reports on the growing menace of gaming addiction a question was put to the Crossfire userbase, and a massive 76% believed gaming to be addictive.

You can catch the full inteview on the BBC.
ehh okay
good find, nice read
didnt tosspot already make a post about this?

btw, gogo Histon :)
!:O maybe - haven't noticed it, if he did linky 'n it can be gone... is fairly old (25/11)
fusen made a journal about it a week or two ago
Fusen’s no gravitas :O))
typo'd "loads of"
Think vs Swindon in the League Cup 03 (?) was the last time I enjoyed a Leeds match, Robbo header front post last action of the game, on to win it in pens… awesome.

Didn’t win one attacking header all match, never had adequate numbers forward around the edge of the box, never won that 50/50 ball in a dangerous position. Though Michalik should’ve had 2!
I thought Histon were good value for the win. That Michalik looks a really good centre half,
Past his best, too slow, almost decent enough for this division. Our defence has leaked goals all season it’s fucking dire. Least we’ve a decent attack (Delph / Becchio / Beckford / Howson).

Playoffs, lose in the semis. I knew I knew I knew I knew that they’d lose to Histon, could just feel it, eternal bottlers, wish I’d gone down the bookies. Think most Leeds fans did – we don’t do cup competitions, not since the 70s… ‘n even then, not as many as we should’ve.
It's the magic of the cup though, every year it happens.

I can see Cov losing to Kidderminster in the next round!
Gaming in general is NOT addictive

BMG however is
yeahh, so im not an addict : D
Always have to laugh at these because Adult guys are telling to youngster what to do and not to do. Like they would know what to do and tbh most of them won't even remember the feeling that being young.

I have to say that he tells rubbish, I might have been bullied( define word bully) at school by some persons( or did I), but still I have a lot of friends and stuff.

The positive thing is that I am not addicted to gaming, I am just a solitaire person.
Nah, the irony being most adults want you away from the pc to live your life in their vision, how kids should act…

I think the above article speaks the most sense I’ve seen from any commentator on gaming excess, ‘n he also speaks eloquently on the (dis)association with violent games transpiring to real life murders.
Adults want to live the youth again with their chilren eyes and that is why they want to some much guide them. Maybe they want us not to make same mistakes as they made in their youth, but is it anykind of life without tasting the agony by ourselves?

He might tell some truth, but still I doubt those who find correlation between violent games and real life murders. I would guess that about 95% of young boys have some stage at their life experienced violent gaming, but still they don't have the biggest amount of murderers in our generation. It just cause we have so much more "objective happyness" that the earlier generation didn't have. They didn't make murders but their anguish is now releashing and the adults are doing most of crimes.

Here in Finland were those school shooting cases and after there were public outcry about violent games. If every young plays some computer games which includes violence and only 2 have made some terrible acts, is there some correlation between games and murders? I think not. It is all about individual personalities and horrific acts are usually consequence from something deeper than just gaming itself.

Yet I have to agree with you that he spoke some "common sense" which is rarely seen coming out from psychologist mouth.
I was kinda waiting for the news from both Jokela and Kauhajoki, just because I wanted to heard the media saying that these guys played violent games and listened to heavy metal. If those were the reason to kill people, I guess that makes most of us Finns murderers. IT'S YOUR DESTINY, IF YOU LISTEN TO HEAVY METAL AND PLAY VIOLENT GAMEZZZ.
indeed. It is also funny that Adults think that they know anything, I haven't seen any interview with youngster who tells what to do. It is always those same "pensioners" saying what we should do.
Yeah, it's like that, and seems to me that it'll always be like that. Unless young voters become active, and some young people gets there to decide and represent youngs. Politics is interesting because here in Finland "kansanedustajat" are about 50 to 70 years old and yet they are making decision for us, the future. And no one actually knows what goes on on those murderers heads. And if they don't tell those to psychiatrists (spelled wrong prolly) no one can help them. And they know it, and music and games are good to blame on.
Indeed. Problem is how to make politics interesting for youngs, since most of get bored while even hearding word "politic". I am somehow interested in politics, I might be freak thou. Somehow I find it interesting, but it is like studying history, you either love or hate it.

About those murders, I think something just "snapped" in their head and they was forced to do so. They really should blame music/games, since they don't really push them to do those acts. I think more "reliable" thing would be bullying in schools, and like one interview pointed out they never really had real friends. It would drive mad for many people.

It was also ridicilous to hear that none should be blamed, but everyone was blaming the young, I have started to wondering whether it really helps anyone?
I guess you meant should not? ;) Yeah, I'm interest in politics aswell. Everyone should, the decisions are made for us. :D Yeah, but I'm going to get my beers and go to spent our school's "pikkujoulua". :D
maybe, I wrote it too fast prolly :D, may the force be with you there 8>
same story, differetn cover...
same shit, different hole.
since when is it such a huge problem if people play 4 hours a day?
QuoteFor the other 90% who may spend four hours a day or more playing games such as World of Warcraft, he no longer thinks addiction counselling is the way to treat these people.


Damn, i'm doing 4 hours a day. Help plz
I haven't played WoW since I became capable of wasting time without paying £8 per month ;_;
oldnews is old
If it weren't gaming they'd just waste their time on something equally unproductive

Would hardly call this news
Well, there is probobly just 2 things that can be less productive then gaming...its becoming a drunker or drugster, but even in this case u are atleast socializing in real life (If ure not drinking alone in the basement that is)
im not addicted

i just spent like 4 hours a day in front of my pc because i live in a small city. There is nothing for the youth..and in winter we dont even want to meet eachother because its to cold...only sometimes. So i have to communicate with my schoolfriends via icq/msn -> much time in front of my pc...
every excuse is welcome
time for wow prohibition!!!
QuoteUnsurprisingly, Mr Bakker ascertains that 80% of treated ‘addicts’ have suffered bullying and isolation at school, and so find an outlet in the virtual world. Often gamers angry with their personal lives vent their frustrations through their online persona.

ring a bell anyone?
100% accurate description of me :'< :'<
First thought I had reading this, hello Belgian Cheat-team!
He just wants money!
iits a maater of definition, probably the definition psychologists use for addiction is different then what most crossfireres understood as addiction, therrefore poll came out wrong, bad poll
Quote by NellieFollowing media reports on the growing menace of gaming addiction a question was put to the Crossfire userbase, and a massive 76% believed gaming to be addictive.

Well, I voted yes because I saw addictive as something in a positive way, at least in this particular poll. I think there are hardly any guys who are addicted in a way that it blocks their real lives. Playing alot of games is just a hobby of many, and that's why there's so much time involved in playing these games.

I see real addiction as something that makes it impossible to stop with something. If I wanted to, I could delete all the games from my PC and stop playing them. I'm just not going to, since I enjoy my hobby :-)
you dont think there is anything more fun to do?

(There is alot of difference between when its your only hobby or just one of them ofcourse.)
Hehe, yeah there's lots of fun stuff to do besides gaming ofcourse.
you're not addicted, you're just stupid.
1. This is the fucking founder and owner of a gaming addiction clinic.
2. Growing up I've seen plenty of people hiding away from real life by playing games all days. Best example is a friend of some friends. I used to lan with him few times, nice guy and all. He's 25 something now, no friends, no job, no girlfriend, lives at home and spends all his money on new computer stuff. His old friends have tried to help him in so many ways but it's not working. For lots of anti-social or bullied kids these days computer gaming isnt the solution, its the temporary escape.
That's basically what he says, it's a decent article.

Journalistique permis
lollers, that explains alot.
it's a business for him.. he justs wants money.. It would be better if their would be some more posts about this from some independent scientists
wow, wanted to write a 6-7 lines comment, but you already told the most important things in the first 2 sentences
and that's coming from a Belgian!
i m not that kinda guy who has problem with any nation... ! except with the asian part of the world LOL
old and true
very true and nice article. This problem has evoluted a lot. In the past gaming for long hours was treated as addiction. Now they say its a social problem. This THEORY is only half-right because gaming is addictive and in some cases is caused by problems at school and childhood.
I just get bored if i dont play games, plain and simple
I fit into the category "online gaming is an outlet for my frustration/anger which I can't display in real life". But besides that fact, I don't see myself as addicted. Yes I do tend to spent too much time on my pc, then what is good for me if I feel bad, but I don't let it take over my life or interfere with it too heavy.
Could I do without video games? I would answer yes, but honestly it has to be no. I enjoy them too much to do without it and it's an too easy outlet for my frustration/anger then just to let it fall.
haha a bit the same
old news, is new news
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