BB win Gamerland

Over in Italy this past weekend, the Call of Duty 4 community has been doing battle for a sizable cheque. With many local Italian teams in attendance there was a large field and potentially a few obstacles for bigger teams to overcome, however there were familiar faces in the final.

Netherlands ButtonBashers had waltzed through the winner bracket only Spanish side Overcame giving them any trouble by forcing overtime, after that point they were waiting for the scenes more established teams to fight it out between them in the loser bracket with United Kingdom Fatgames & France CrackClan making it to the LB Final, Fatgames won that battle and looked avenge their winner bracket loss to the Dutch, but were unable to change the outcome second time around.

You can read more about Gamerland and see the full bracket on

Netherlands ButtonBashers - €6000
United Kingdom Fatgames - €3000
France CrackClan - €1500
4th Germany Speedlink - €800
6th Italy Cubesports & United Kingdom Dignitas €500
Netherlands Button Bashers
Netherlands svo >
Netherlands parasiet
Netherlands Stevy
Netherlands mofje
Netherlands zem
+ teamleader clown
Stevy is from Belgium Belgium.
ohh fapa fap
gratz BB, wp FatGames :)
wp mAus !
wp FatGames
gg BB
Well played Fatgames !
A bit disapointing by Digimons IMO.
they've lost blackmane & 1 other
Why haven't no one told me about this!
BB is an organisation? I thought just another stupid name by our starplayers.
BB started just as a CoD4 team, when they left KomaCrew. Somehow they have kept the name and is now an organisation; eventhough they are still missing a homepage :)
yeah, thats what i m searched for... at least i can stop it now.
homepages are overrated
Homepage is coming :) BB was the organisation before they left KC.
I know it is on it's way. Didn't know that it excisted before they left KC.
They were pretty random and new back then afaik, think I played some vs them at CoD4 startup.
won* ???
w00t much money greez :>
lineup of BB in cod4 ?
svo, parasiet, Stevy, mofje & zem
did rodcad attended?
gg mAus
why is it ''win'' and not ''won''?
its still present tense.
But it happened in the past.
doesnt matter, apparently you've got a uk flag i'm taking it you're not actually british?
I was trying to point out you didn't actually answer his question.
Well I did, its still present tense.
I think what he wanted to know was why you were using present tense to describe something which happened in the past.
tosspot got sat :DDD
its on quadv demand right ?
nope, no match coverage
Shame theres no coverage of CoD4 on this site anymore :(
buttonbashers is an starting orga, back in august we were the first team to join, last month the ET team joined and 2 PES09players (1 of them world champion butcher who came 2nd @ gameland and won also 6000 euros). site is under construction and more big things will follow:)

gameland was awesome! it was quite an easy tournament, 2bad we didnt meet dignitas, but ill geuss we will meet them @ cc5.
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