Challenge Cup 2 showmatch - more info

image: challenge_cup2Wednesday, 21 CET. That time Poland Polewka will fight Finland cdap - stfu in Challenge Cup 2 showmatch. You have probably heard about that. However, some changes have been introduced, so this news will cover a number of issues.

Both teams will test cup config, which means:
- 3 mines, not 5,
- Respawn times reduced by 4 seconds,
- Panzerfaust is the only heavy weapon available. At first it was mortar, but after a lot of negative comments we decided to replace it with panzerfaust.

What is more, we planned that Poland Polewka’s competitor will be Europe Northern Darkness, but it turned out that they won’t be able to play. As a result, we talked to another Eurocup team, Finland cdap – stfu, so it still is a high-skilled team that will surely make some problems for the best Polish team.

As for shoutcasts, the match will be available in Radio iTG thanks to Germany FlyingDJ who will comment both teams actions. Polish Poland #Pr3dS.Radio will shoutcast the showmatch as well.

Last but not least, we’d like to publish the XXX map we mentioned in our recent news item. So, what’s the map that will be played in Challenge Cup 2? Nachteinbruch occurred to be the one that was assessed by us as a appropriate choice. It will be played as the 3rd map (besides adlernest and supplydepot2) in the showmatch, so don’t wait and download it if you don’t have it in your /etmain/ directory. You can try the following location:

To sum up:

Poland Polewka vs Finland cdap - stfu
Time: Wednesday, 31 May, 21:00 CET
Maps: Adlernest, Supply Depot 2, Nachteinbruch

See you on ETTV, players. Visit us at #challenge-cup, too!
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