Addicted To Gaming?

Coming to a clinic near you July ‘06. Crazed teenagers grasping for their keyboards, craving that one last flick of their mouse. Smith & Jones of Amsterdam, Holland will be opening a 24 hours a day treatment clinic for those requiring help. declares that addicted means “To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively” - sound familiar? Is logging onto your computer the first thing you do in the morning, and the last thing at night? Many gamers spend hours mesmerised in front of their monitors.

It can cause problems in their real life, neglecting friends, family and partners - screwing up sleeping patterns negatively effecting a persons job or school work.

Our ClanBase admin in exile Netherlands Cash conducted a small interview with Keith Baker, Director of Smith & Jones who states that “game addicts show such symptoms of sweating and shaking, quite similar to what heavy gamblers undergo during treatment” and that gamers “should be completely removed from their gaming environment.”

Could you go completely cold turkey? Remove yourself from IRC, Xfire, gaming and the internet in general? Remember kids, the first step in curing an addiction is recognizing that you have a problem.

You can grab the full article over at the GGL here
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