Phear ETTV

image: allo6of Well well well, what do we have here, Rene? Are those Yvette's stockings I see protruding from the rear pocket? I surely hope not, we wouldn't want you being taken away from here by 'ze Germans, and missing all tonight's ETTV now, would we?

And much like our French counterparts, from majestically brilliant to the downright odd, mixing games that might provide excellent entertainment next to those that could make you drift asleep. And after all that, if you're still drooling at the mouth for action, RadioITG are on hand to switch the coverage to CoD2 should you so desire. Let's take a look at what games are being played tonight:

Kicking off coverage comes the perhaps premature RTCW2-Cup, which is aiming to build a profile for the recently launched #rtcw2-news, pitting together the teams of Insane-Teamwork and 4evolution over some of ET's newer competition maps, in a game which has already drawn a respectable number of ettv slots - as I write the figure is just over the 200 mark. On top of all this we have Germany vaGgi and Germany Dj cAze providing the commentary on two seperate streams for German language lovers.
QuoteMatch: Germany Insane-Teamwork vs Europe 4evolution
Time: 20:00 CET
IRC: #rtcw2-news
Maps: adlernest_final, braundorf_b4
ETTV: gtv id /621
[*] #rtcw2-news - vaGgi
[*] Au-Hur Radio Shoutcast Dj cAze - qartex
Moving on to the first of the 'big-three' matches, but this time there's not a Frenchman, Englishman or American in sight, as the EuroCup continues in bullish style, placing together forever old-timers eSrael against the team many see as Estonia's main challengers, Northern Darkness. But the team soon to take on helix in the KOTH would do well to not underestimate the screwed hitboxes of eSrael, with their legions of supporters on gtv.
QuoteMatch: Europe Northern Darkness vs Israel eSrael MSI
Time: 20:30 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, adlernest_final
ETTV: gtv id /582
Next up on Rene's menu comes the #ET-Cup, fueled by the drive and determination of the spambot, known only as Mr "" NxM. On show in Edith's stage are the all singing, all lovely champs filling the void left by the old squad, RoyalitY, set against the team behind the bar, consisting of toxic's all laughing, all lagging AngelDust team... well, only toxic lags to be fair. Netherlands stewie is on hand to provide the explanation in his new iTG role.
QuoteMatch: Europe RoyalitY vs Europe angelDust e.V.
Time: 21:00 CET
IRC: #et-cup
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, frostbite
ETTV: gtv id /594
[*] Radio iTG Server 3 - stewie (English)
Just like a German officer changing his mind over his choice of coffee, the great sleeping giant that is angrykid has smelt his own hideous breath and awoken, only to decide he fancied munching on a game as a treat. As such, the scheduled game between Germany vicious&evil and Israel maybe has now been cancelled, meaning that depending on how you look at it, either the best game of the night is now down in ak's stomach, or there be more time to watch the other games. Nevertheless, if none of these games satisfy your existance, there are always two other alternatives:

21:30 CET Germany oXid vs Poland //dream
22:00 CET Spain pblm vs Spain N2Ku

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some army men needing to get home. Tarrah!
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