ESL ET Mapping Contest

image: mapcontest_banner

When you look at the 1on1 Ladders mappool it appears to be pretty empty. To fix that we decided to open a mapping competition to all our users and hope to receive some great entrys!

This mapping competition will focus on 1on1 maps as these can be created in a much shorter time than big competition maps and also gives newbies of the mapping scene the chance to compete in this competition!

Competition Starts:
Last date of entry:

Where to send?

29th December 2008
7th February 2009
1on1 map
- has not been released any time before
- must not be an edit/copy/remake of any other kind of map
- the map does not need to be in final status, betas are also greatly welcome
- ESL Logo included at atleast one place - Download (black bg) , Download (white bg)

Supportticket - 1on1 Ladder (map as attatchment)
3 Month Premium Account
Your map in the Mappool of our Ladders/Cups

For those who want to start with mapping and need help at that I provide you the following links / sources:
- Splashdamage Forums (especially the forum stickys - you find EVERYTHING there)
- How to Map in ET (for dummies) - CF Tutorial
- Mapping in ET for beginners - CF Tutorial

Especially use the Splashdamage forums for any problems or tutorials. Alternatively visit #et.mapping on Quakenet - we will try to help you out!

Good Luck & We hope to see some great entries!

If this turns out to get some great entries you can be sure to see a bigger mapping contest with greater prizes following it!
gl nice initiative
we need completely new maps, not some recycled shit like sw_battery or delivery
patience and i'll fulfill your christmas wish
can it be more like grush and radar and less like braund/delivery (read as: more open spaces without roofs)
will be mix :)
Try Sottevast phase 1
Sottevast rocks mostly, apart from the 'steal Rocket parts' phase :<
Gotta agree here
yep we need new and original maps. like reactor or svarvadel.
nice idea, but...
Nice , gl guys ( b ^-^ ) b
So you make people work like slave labour, so they can have 3months account for fucking what? Oh wow, what a prize, maybe something they could use in real life would of been good.

What a load of shit.
mappers & mapping has never been rewarded in any kind in the past.. but i'm used to random flame as yours so gl
some people see mapping as fun rather than slave labour
Like I did and do, I enjoy mapping but this is a load of shit tournament thing. Everyone has opinions.
yeah well your attitude doesnt help matters, i understand that yes for some it takes hours to make a 1v1 map lol :) but i could make a decent 1v1 map in like 3 hours
Hey prick, what do you want? the winner earning some prize money?
Not everything has to be rewarded you know.
Making something where you can be proud of, seeing other people enjoying themselves when playing ur map isn't enough?
Nope, I understand pride and shit... But why the fuck spend many hours of your life making a map for people who just flame and moan about it. That's why I have an attitude like this towards this.

The Crossfire community is a shit one full of twats tbh.
then don't make it for them but for yourself, lol.
and btw, if that is ur intention, to make a map for 'the comunity', u'll only look to the comments of other mapmakers or people who actually know smth about it, who cares about random flames.
Played in the map pools a decent prize.
But what physically do they get from this? Knowing this game is already dead is another factor, why not to do it.
Pff so materialistic! The self satisfaction that you created something good which is being enjoyed by many :O)

I've never known more tournaments hosted than in the last week ^^
i'm definately going to be rolling out a new 1v1 map then :) prizes? :D
how's your sewer map project going? any updates?
no objectives as of yet, but have hosted a little alpha test with a few knowables and have had some great feedback, wont be until february now tho cuz i have alot of uni work on my plate
unlucky :<
Nice : - )
delivery and adlernest both big failures
where is the connection? :DD
make a 3on3/6on6 map contest aswell! ( it was a hint maybe!)
There wont ever come good maps for 6on6 in mapping contest. It requires more time than two weeks to create good big map.
so? it still can become a contest?! if you can actually win something nice of it, ppl should do it more;o qry those MLB guys or smth!:O
MLB can't ever make good competition map =)
bremen_b2 is the result of CF's last mapping contest ... it is a good competition map imo ;)
I'm not MBL, and it took much longer than 2 weeks. For a start you need to be talking months, not weeks...

1v1 might be possible in 2 weeks. Definitely possible for a beta.
on the one hand the reply was also about maps out of such competitions ... just wrong guy I replyd to :D

on the other hand this contest has a duration of 7weeks which is more than enough time for a 1on1 map x)

A 6v6 map first beta can be done in a month.

Needs good planning first though and some dicussion about what does and doesn't work in 6v6. Problem with ET is that it be impossible to have such discussions openly due to severely retarded community that is ET. (when I was active anyway)

I suppose if you got some top teams involved early on who are willing to help you could get the ball rolling but from experience top teams are unapproachable due to the shear size of their egos and unwillingness to help. (when I was active anyway)

If things are different now days then hopefully a great map can be made with collaboration of skilled players and skilled mappers.
Egypt and daybreak for CC6 would be amazing.
Every MLB map is way too big for 6vs6. Also those maps have like 5 million ways to get to the objective, making the maps "camp @ obj" defends. I don't really like that much of walking for one minute to objective and get pwned by some leaner and then walk one minute again.
Who said anything about 6v6? I'm thinking a 12v12 CC6. :D
Someone pleasseeee dooooo sw_railgun
Railgun as a map is a fucked up map and needs a whole new plan to become competition material.
ow pls oldskool railgun rounds between top teams were extremely tense
there isn´t any map which is better than valhalla and there never will be !

2nd best map is te_nihil & multihuntplace (after getting into all the tricks and nades and stuff :P )

better go for 3v3 or 6v6 maps
why lean? :DD
CTF WELL the one and only
ok ok, multihunt is good too
This sounds nice, I'll try something.
nice idea :o
Great idea, this is just what ET needed!
yes, ET (scene) hasn't been what it used to be for a long time... less clans... less players... more cheaters...

:D Never seen the 1on1.
noone plays 1on1 anyway...
except for brumu!
very nice! ESl ET section deservers big respect! Hope some mappers accept this challenge! But valhalla is best, we need new 6on6 map or as many said before edit of oasis (closer spawn above tunnel, I think decem spoke about it in the past..) railgun will be nice too :) No "new" boxed map like adler :)
I am avi What is the reward btw? :)
mapcontest for new 6on6 maps will be good.
Nice, need a new 1o1 map on the scene
hehe :-)
1v1 sucks but nice idea, im still working on my first map, trying to make a door open :D:D:D made 2 rooms and a tunnel, also need to learn how to make heights etc.. hills n stuff, btw.. shud I also add textures in the outside of the map?
check the splashdamage forums and its stickys, there are tons of tutorials listed
nice idea
That's a really nice initiative !
Good Idea and GL to participants
what a great prize :-J
Hahaha 3 Months Premium Account!!! xDD

again and again :)
imo who cares about 3months Premium Account....
make 6on6 map competition :X
3on3 imo
good idea
im gone try and make 1 XD
making 1on1 maps for a team based game motivated by a "premium" account which offers things that should be available for free?

great motivation
"making 1on1 maps for a team based game"

Will always be the weakest point .
Dude some might enjoy making maps. 1on1 maps are fairly easy to make and it could be done in just a week time. You don't ask people to pay you money for making movies do you?
Sorry but this is just wasting your time, making 1v1 maps is just not worth the effort. Better make it a 3v3/6v6 map competition, atleast that will give some interesting maps instead of making mirrored maps.
remake bp_badplace from rtcw
LOloOLLOolOL if I wasn't so damn lazy I would enter in this :)
im looking forward to velerion_bdrölf.pk3
I play 1v1 wars, and I want mappers not to make maps like multihunt_place because it is the biggest shit I've ever seen.

To be honnest, obj maps are just full spawn skills. Try to fix it !
If it comes to maps: What did happen to "frost"? The beta 2 wasn't that bad. Beta 3 failed and then the map disappeared.
6on6 will be greatly welcome too
Does it have to be objective?
Or like te_valhalla?
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