Summer Cup 2006 !

Today begins the sing ups to the Summer Cup 2006 ! It is the second edition of this cup. Admins of this cup are PolandBart, PolandNekris and PolandMario. Summer Cup 2006 is a 6on6 ET cup. Start 22th June. Admins give invite for 8 clans:

- Sweden noll8
- Poland FBI
- Poland coltz
- Hungary underscore
- Europe demiurge
- Czech Republic singularity
- Poland 4FuN Yellow Team
- Poland dFiance

For matches will be share ETTV and shoutcast (
If you want sign up your clan, you must write name of clan, tag of clan, players, channel irc and website to Bart. You must be fast ! There are only 32 positions !

channel irc:
website: CLICK
admins: PolandBart, PolandNekris, PolandMario
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