ClanBase ET Fall Season OpenCup Update

image: cbgoldlogont
The signups for the Clanbase Fall Cups are well underway, with 171 clans registered to the 6on6 ET cup and 126 clans registered to the 3on3 ET cup so far. Since the season is already running later than originally scheduled, it has been decided NOT to delay the signup closing date as originally planned.

Signups will now close on the 2nd November, rather than the 9th November as stated previously, so be sure to sign your team up within the next week if you haven't already to make sure you don't miss out.

With the season fast approaching a few vital questions remain regarding the new config, the maplist and the ever elusive EuroCup. Today we need your feedback on the maps for this upcoming season.

After much discussion we have come to some conclusions:
All 3on3 maps and five 6on6 maps are confirmed, while we have opened discussion on the two remaining map choices for the 6on6 cup over on the cup page.

Head over to to read more and contribute.

We are also still looking for dedicated, active cupadmins for both 6on6 and 3on3 cups - if this is you then don't hesitate to apply!
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