Return of the beleaguered giant

image: etcomlogoshort0sn

If I told you, there was a website out there for Enemy Territory, not run by a massive games network, such as GGL or GameSpy, but one which had attracted close to half a million registrants in its 3 year tenure, you'd probably not believe me. And you'd also have good reason to, after all, without Crossfire present there's very little left for people to desire. But in a quiet little corner of the web, the site which left TosspoT lost for words has been trundling along without making much fuss, despite a few unfortunate cases of people trying to break in.

What am I talking about? The true home of meez, lotix, necuz and unblind, the great bastion that is, which yesterday relaunched itself in version3, following a string of security breaches on the old software. Yes, the old phpNuke system has gone, and in comes the lovable cms 'e107', which not only looks better, but is more secure and easier to use than anything we've had before. The staff are hoping this is the beginning of the rebirth, to times where there were 50 news stories a month, 20,000 registrants each week, and download stats were reaching into the hundreds of terrabytes. Whatever stigma the site has lent itself to you (especially the sponsor ' - who don't really understand too well the concept of help), let us break bread and thank the lord that this great site is back in business, and looking so mighty fine at the same time. Just how do they do it?

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