zero time left

image: zpbw2

The Call of Duty 4 squad of the United Kingdom multigaming organization zero Point – Gaming received a bit of British help to enter the ESL Pro Series Finals. ATS could not win against Team Dignitas last night. So the four teams of the 2nd season are announced. The Teams will be:

United Kingdom Team Infused
United Kingdom Reason-gaming
United Kingdom Zero Point Gaming
United Kingdom Team Dignitas

The finals will be an offline tournament on the 31th January in London, in which the teams will compete for a share of a prize pot worth close to £15000. Even if zeroPoint gaming can't beat anyone at the upcoming LAN, they've already won a guaranteed £400 for finnishing 4th.

On watching zP´s EPS stats we notice that they've lost versus Reason-Gaming and Team Infused, but they earned a draw against Team Dignitas.

As United Kingdom robzJE said, zP had a lot problems to solve while the running EPS, but now they are on their “best level” to reach higher than being nr. 4.

I expect an interesting tournament and Iam sure that zP will surprise the Cod4 community.
cod? :s

1st btw
"The Call of Duty 4 squad of the"

yep its cod4 :)
News: CoD
grats zP! :>
yeah! gratz :>
we have the same Name Centy!
<3 ur name :D
A very cool name indeed!!
thats amazing mr curtis
Its a small world!
Oliver rocks :)
150000 pounds, how many euros is that?

and wtf 4th place only 400 pounds then?
im sorrry its around 15.000 pounds
ah that makes sense

although how much euros are that?
the course is almost 1:1 at the moment
Edit: about 16 000 €
Very very rough guestimate but prolly around 17k or so (?)
Yeah, about 16000-17000
that's like

alot of money
Nice post, congrats zP. Is it just all the mgc being British, or are they all British players?

Go UK neverthereless ^_^
Its the UK pro series, finals are in london at the 31.1.09

sec gonna edit
errr...Im No.#@%$^%&(*^)&(^%#@#*&%)(_*()&$#@!
thought it was about zeropoint taking in potters team with sol & kot
Yea something like that. But what is special about zP.CoD getting into the finals? ATS seemed to be unexplainable weak and just have a look at the other participating teams ...
If it was an team that had to pay to travel to the LAN and know that they aren't going to win, I would just stay home and receive the £400 for finishing fourth :P (NOSHOW IS NOT AN OPTION =d)
No, leave the team when you received the money and spend it all in one night!
Sounds like a plan :-p
ATS didnt beat dignitas even after all the drama? LOL
They played with 1 merc :) + L-KiNG isnt allowed to play.
Please don't give excuses for ATS, they hardcore practised with luni, dignitas havn't touched the game since CC5 and danny and Jason have had more important things on their minds.
Thanks ODEE!
gl turtz and bAc !!
Can this article please be up-ziPped? News like this should be objective to be worthy of appearing on the front page. Just replace the banner with an ESL one would be enough :P
ye right, butreal "new" of this post is that zP made it, because ATS draw vs dignitas. The other three teams we re already in the finals
Seeing there has been no news regarding the first three teams which ended in the top 4 its really strange to write a post dedicated to the fourth team. Instead you should focus primarily on that the 4 teams are now known, and zeroPoint remaining as one of the last four should be a secondary goal.

That is just my view of the matter though, there are no specific rules over what you can write and the way you write it...
will do it like you said next time....
so we should replace H2k banner by ET banner....
W:ET is already represented in the "H2k adds Epsilon" news article as category. Good point though.
Isn't zP! a swedish mgc or am i wrong?
it used to be
They still are.
Too bad for ATS!
I'm still waiting for my Razer Diamondback that i won with the Zeropoint logo contest in 2007
£400 for the 4th if there is £15000 to play for? :o
You got £100 per game won in the initial online qualification stages. Meaning over £5k already has been sorted. It's another £5k for 1st, and so on...
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