BoB 3 Finals Clash Established (UPDATED)

image: bob
Battle on the Beachead 3 has kept up its sintilating reputation with some stunning matches in the build up to the grand final and at last we now know our finalists, but it wasnt easy!

Last night witnessed the second semifinal match of the BoB 3 RtCW Tournament. Four thrilling games were played on Assault between two very talented North American squads, Team Affliction and West Side Wolves (aN). Despite the final scores, the match was as close as you'll ever see. The action doesn't get much better than this with countless skilled frags exchanged throughout the night in an attempt to control the map. Dominant sniping, long range panzers, incredible aim, and clutch saves are all present in this classic showdown. The demos are relgious viewing and you can get them here:

WTV Demos

Semi Final Scores

United States of America wSw(aN) 3-1 United States of America -a-
United States of America -x- > United States of America united5 (forfeit)


Shoutcast provided by RadioITG

Rosters Rundown

West Side Wolves (aN)

United States of America daized
United States of America beavermana (z28 camaro)
United States of America slag (elbow)
United States of America remedy
United States of America slaya
United States of America elusion

Team Affliction (-a-)

United States of America brian
United States of America nail
United States of America warrior
United States of America warmachine
United States of America leethal
United States of America rambo

With the ff win by Team Exodus in the other semifinal, the stage is now set for the championship match. It will be West Side Wolves versus Team Exodus in a winner takes all party on the mp_beach. The games should be nothing less than sensational. Match details can be found below.

Date: Wednesday, June 14th, 2006
Time: TBA (tenative guess of 11:00 EST / 05:00 CET)
Map: mp_beach
Details: #bob3 //

Predicted Rosters

West Side Wolves (aN)

United States of America daized
United States of America beavermana
United States of America slag
United States of America remedy
United States of America slaya
United States of America elusion

Team Exodus (-x-)

United States of America mario
United States of America luigi
United States of America common
United States of America elusive
United States of America ckyass
United States of America robez
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