Deceivers Rejoin Webone After Managerial Foulplay

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In a complete reversal of their decision made only two months ago, the French superstars, Deceivers, have returned to their old home. Webone. This decision was met with shock from the community but this was nothing compared to the surprise when the reasons for the move were revealed on Gotfrag. It turns out their manager Karko, who had been with the team for more than two years, was working behind their back to sabotage the team.

Deceivers were one of the teams to receiver the honour of a direct invite to the upcoming Outpost Lan and Steven Leunens (aka dfb), the CEO of Tek-9, was the man dealing with the invites. Karko's team that he played in, Shock.fx, had not received an invite to the event and were unable to get tickets as the demand was so high. Karko saw an oppertunity and took it.

He spoke to dfb and told him that Deceivers were going to be unable to attend the event and that Shock.fx could take their place. Dfb was sad to hear this but agreed as Karko was after all the manager of Deceivers. The players in Deceivers had no idea what was going on when they received a good luck message from dfb however. The treachery was quickly unveiled and a fierce confrontation ensued.

In the words of Anthoo, the team captain,

QuoteWhen we found what karko had done with the Outpost Lan, we realised that Karko's interests lay with his own team, shock.fx , so we decided it was best to go our different ways

Read More for their full roster and the move back to Webone

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Luckily for the team, they had just received an offer from their previous organisation, Webone, one of the major players in the French esports scene. The team jumped at the chance to represent Webone again and were welcomed in with open arms. The team now have a solid base to work from and to scale the heights achieved by their previous lineup.

After a heavy loss to Dignitas in their final group game of the EuroCup they will not be progressing to the playoffs but Anthoo remins optimistic, "Hmm i think some people might laugh when I say this, but I believe we have a lot more potential than Dignitas. People think that because we are French that we can't be good. We have only played as a team for 2 before that EC game and i think we will see different results at the Outpost Lan."

Their lineup for the Outpost lan is as follows:

France AnThoO
France Gangstah
France Sonic
France There
Belgium Mk
Belgium Mts
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