Luger Frag - Episode 4

image: lugerfrag
While the World Cup is on its way and the summer has hit the shores all over Europe, Luger Frag is going into a fourth round, airing today at 19 CET only on Inside The Game.

What do we have for you?

News Of The Week

Cheaters busted on a daily basis - xfire expanding - the mylegend case - Quakecon announcement

Map test: SW El Kef

A radio transmitter has to be stolen - too simple for a competition map? El Kef looks quite nice and surely has some potential. Germany swine is going to join me again for some map testing action while the Luger Frag server is there so that you can test the map yourself.


ET, MGCs and sponsors - where to go?

With more and more ET clans being sponsored and joining up big multi gaming clans, we have to ask ourselves if that is the way to go. What are the benefits, where are the drawbacks? Can ET get more attention through big clans or are we on the best way to ridicule the whole ET community? United Kingdom Sheep will join me among others to discuss this issue.

As usual, call-ins are taken via Skype, so if you want to contribute, be sure to have it set up properly.

EuroCup playoffs - big changes

Not only do we know five playoff participants already, but we are facing some major changes for this season's EuroCup playoffs. Which ones exactly? Tune in to find out.

Show starts at 19 CET on Inside The Game Server 1, be sure to join #lugerfrag for all the server IPs and URLs.
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