Impact Gaming reveal ET Masters Season II

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It is with great pleasure that Impact Gaming announces almost 2 years since the first instalment that a second season of the highly successful ET Masters CUP is currently being organised. As with the previous season we hope to bring you a highly entertaining and well organised tournament, we will throw in the odd old school map just to keep interest alive and allow people to consider some new tactics for a change. More information on dates for the first match week of the tournament will be announced soon however we are planning on having the tournament finish on or around the time of the next Crossfire LAN instalment, this is because currently we are working with the crossfire management to hopefully bring you the final from the next LAN as we managed with ET Masters season I.

Prize money for the event will total 300Euros in a 150/100/50 euro split for the top 3 places.
We are also working with further potential sponsors to bring you hardware prizes also and more will be announced on this in due course.

For more information on the tournament and how to signup please visit the Impact Gaming website which we are please to say is now back online with a new domain name.

We are also looking for people willing to admin the matches, please send me a message here on crossfire if you would like to do that.


Further info will be posted tonight on how to sign up, please wait until a further news post from either myself or chosen
Well that's poor timing :v

Looks great, good luck!
well timed to finish with cc6 so.... but yea i know what you mean about crossfire premier league timing
Yeah could’ve done with some collusion, ah well chosens thing :)
i'm chatting to stuart now on this, chosen did try but it was just not quite what i had in mind, i'll try chatting some more with him
More the timing of announcements, you're all reasonable fellows sure you’ll sort something - this aint the vindictive CB 'n ESL ^_^
Crossfire not vindictive? Eh what?!
well thats kinda unintentional and no i'm pretty sure me and chosen can work something out i hope
nice evo :)
al those cups going on lately.. :D:D

Quoteallow people to consider some new tactics for a change

YES! only in this comp you can consider creating new tactics!!!!
well with new maps you tend to do that *-)
not really a new map :S

not really a good map.

m_pitch paradise.
adler and frost are m_pitch but both lotto short and shit

secretweapon would be better!
nice to see more cups like this :)
n1 to see so many good cups.
omg et is alive ! :D
Always nice to see cups with rewards :) Nice work eVo hopefully you can get the xf conflict ironed out.
nice, but dunno how it'll go with all the clashes :D ah well, will probs sign up snb anyway
hopefully we will sort the issues and maybe collate on 1 tournament, if not then i guess teams will have to just decide if they can play both
Well, I guess the 2 things are different. The CF thing is a league without playoffs where your cup really gets a 1st/2nd/3rd, both ideas are nice and I guess it would be cool to see both tourneys running. 2 offis per week shouldn't be a problem for most clans I guess.
Is it 2 years already? :o sheez the time runs fast. sounds great anyway! :-)
yep, final on lan at CPC 2 ^^
gl eVo, I m looking forward to it B-D
nice timing, surelly will take part of it.
great effort
nice timing, need team for this
like you will win
pls do more big cups in the same time.
Impact cup
Crossfire cup
Nations Cup
and 999 minicups
et is NOT DEAD!
I missed some prolly very important and essential reply, thx for removing teh comments.
that's why you should use english in comments or irc for private conversations
will do, your highness.
will do, your highness.
pathetic, useless, troublesome and annoying
rly nice ! :)
eVo is so sexy
just make it winner takes all. No sense in giving 50e for a teamgame with 6 players imo. While 50e/person is alrite
Indeed, free cc6 signups for the winning team :)
Seeing theres only a 300€ prizemoney you are prolly right :)
this will change, wait for announcement tonight
i agree fullstop
that's cool!
ET'S ALIVE!!!!!!!
Avi for this cup /q me
Nice another cup, gl hf!
good job... :D
btw ur host is pretty slow
great ;) avi for this cup pm me
Great effort, evo!
et is dead
bach0r on 14/01/09, 16:01:22

pls do more big cups in the same time.
Impact cup
Crossfire cup
Nations Cup
and 999 minicups
et is NOT DEAD!
Very nice. Excelent
wow~ N1 :d
"et should looks old" BULLSHIT :)
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