Let the games begin !

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0
Slovenia carniee
Slovenia immoo
Slovenia superboyy
Slovenia JaKaZc
Slovenia sAw
Slovenia vektor
Chile m@x
Chile nozzz
Chile Ram
Chile Chewbacca
Chile saMer
Chile merce
Time: 23:30 (CET)
Maps: To be announced !
Who to watch: Slovenia superboyy & Chile nozzz
Admins: Belgium Bartichello & Germany mundus

A Short Overview

Welcome everybody to the ClanBase ET SW NationsCup!

The qualifiers start tonight with a bang. Two great teams are playing for a spot in this years ET NationsCup. On the one hand we got Slovenia. Great players like JaKaZc, carniee or sAw decided to play for Slovenia Slovenia once again. And the comeback of superboyy makes them even stronger. Some guys say they deserved a direct invite, but they can proof how good they are tonight. One must not forget that they play vs Chile. Chile Chile played a very good Crossfire NationsCup ’08. Stars like m@x and nozz will try their best to get Chile into this years NationsCup. But are 2 stars enough to beat Slovenia ? Great teamplay will be needed. We can look forward to watch a great match !!!


Im of the opinion that the server will be a big factor. If chile can repeat the great teamplay, what made they so good in the last CF NC, they got a chance to win this match. Slovenia got tons of experience. If the match will be played on a North american server it will be 4:2 for Chile I think. But Slovenia will be too strong on an European Server, so the match would end 4:0 for Slovenia. But only time will tell !

image: game8798
good luck chile :)
JaKaZc imho or sAw teh rifle pwner :)
once again a bs qualifier
Like Ukraine is any better XD
he probably ment that this shouldn't be a qualifier. and i agree
If you put it that way.. :>
will be tight imo
gl slo
gl lovro <3
good luck both teams :>
The qualifiers are just so retardish. Thats how cb work....
Cbooky woe
vektor = instant win

news of the day.

obama can hide...
whos obama?
qualifiers make no sense at all :>
gl both :)

NA server plox.
Slovenia best of luck*
wtf! im a noob!
the pressure..
Waiting for the next Crossfire NC where all National teams can frag more than once.
lol my offi is way more important (O_ //)
Both teams would deserve to play in group stage, too bad other one needs to drop out. Anyways gl both!
GL both!
should be easy for slovenia :$
server is us
not easy for slo
either way gl slo
ofc teh gonna be strong on eu server cause the difference of ping is 250 from us vs 100 or 50

ye ye
1st The Head admin allowed us for play on USA server

2dn check the point 21-12 Fair Ping Table (values in Milliseconds) Oh that says the difference of both teams have to be between 10 to 30 ping, so in USA server EUROS got 140 to 160 and we got 150 so i see this is like that Fair Ping Table (values in Milliseconds) says so np for your "FAIR PLAY"

check the first line in the aforementioned rules...

'The ClanBase ET SW NC XII is an online European tournament for national teams.'

Thank you very much! Come again!
why did they change if you both had similar pings on US server? Thats just retarded.

edit: and against CB NC rules.
fair step by slovenians...

if this is the way they use to win the games, then congratulations...
sad to disagree playing on fair conditions with such stupid arguments...
ye ye
1st The Head admin allowed us for play on USA server

2dn check the point 21-12 Fair Ping Table (values in Milliseconds) Oh that says the difference of both teams have to be between 10 to 30 ping, so in USA server EUROS got 140 to 160 and we got 150 so i see this is like that Fair Ping Table (values in Milliseconds) says so np for your "FAIR PLAY"

check the first line in the aforementioned rules...

'The ClanBase ET SW NC XII is an online European tournament for national teams.'

Thank you very much! Come again!
btw how dialer said "that doesnt mean u have to play on European server does it ? "
That means absolutely nothing. I have no idea why you keep repeating it. It clearly states it's an European tournament for NATIONAL teams. Nowhere does it say that ONLY European NATIONAL teams are allowed, idiot.

Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.

asshole :D
NationsCup !!!! gg SLO ( fucking unfair scared naabs )
And that proves what?
Exceptions were given to all non European teams (votes on ClownBase for USA,CA,Chile,COL,JAP + some others i think)
So, what exactly is your point there?

Again, idiot.
"Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups. " Seems like Chile is an exception.

Oh noes! Who cares?

EU cup EU servers pfff
why didnt they whine about server change after the 1st map?

but really i'd make NC a euro only cup again, since playing with or against high pings is never fun and changes the odds too much.
super super
cause we talk about the server before the match how has to be , no in middle of the match

nice pick slow
Didn't expect Slovenia to win this one, specially after last years performance by chile (didnt they attend to playoffs or smth? )

Wp anyway and grats for your qualification slovenia. Better luck next time Chile
We played vs chile on USA server and everything was good,same pings, normal match.

'The ClanBase ET SW NC XII is an online European tournament for national teams.' <--- and?
Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.
ye so?

how is that supposed to interfere with the ping rule that clanbase has?
exceptions were given, how is that related to the server locations? games should still get played according to the normal clanbase rules.
are you really mentally this incompetent that you have no other thing to state than some useless quote from the clanbase site?
you cannot really say that the match was fair..at least the second map should have been played on some NA server. I'm not blaming clanbase for this mishap, but I do think that they should at least consider the non-european countries' welfare once they have announced a NATIONScup. it's pretty clear that you cannot find a mutual agreement with a team like this, so this is the place where the admins should step in.

but hey, I knew this was gonna happen

You have € 50 on si SLO
You won € 80.5

Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.
We know that already. And an exception was given. Awaiting another low reply.
Shit happens :)
Leave him, the kid is retarded. As you can see he just replies with the same quote that contradicts him over and over again.
o really? ..i noticed it at second reply... Can i ask if you passed primary school? ..because it's impossible to pass if you are not able to observe things around you..
What are you even talking about? Make sense please.
w00000000000000000000000t ?

You are 19 I'm 20 who's the kid here? srsly :!
both of u :d
hah :P I'm just bored and like to piss people off ;)
You are not pissing anyone off. You are just proving how much of an idiot you are by replying to people with stuff that you can't even understand.
Seriously, was that your come back?
Why so serious?
unexpected slovenians defendin slovenians -_-
Well done chapz !
that's just stupid imo, NC should be open to every team in the world and it should be played with "pings" rules
Chile clearly had better teamwork.
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