ESL ET ladders relaunch

image: eslAs previously announced in the latest column here on Crossfire the ESL ET Ladders have been reset. Our ladders offer you games in the following formats: 1v1 , 2v2 , 3v3 and ofcourse 6v6.

We will host the Most Matches Competition in the reopened ladders in the following months. Furthermore we plan to host special one day cups month by month in which we will invite the top ranked teams of our ladders.

We have also lowered the re-challenge block from 2 weeks to 3days. This means you do not need to wait as long as before until you can ask for revenge!

Also do not forget to check the "New Entries" link on the "Rankings" page of every ladder to find opponents which you can challenge. You will be listed here until you played your first match.

If you have any problems on creating your team or joining the ladders / competitions of the ESL make sure you have read the Starter Guide or try to find help in on quakenet.
Makes no sense, just invite all the teams in the ladder so lowskilled teams can also paly
everyone is invited to play in the ladder. The cup I was talking of is just a special thing which in the end makes it more appealing to fight for the top ranks.
i ment the cup
there will be another weekly cupseries soon in which any team is able to play aswell. No worries
I dont worry! I dont play any cups anyway :p
QuoteFurthermore we plan to host special one day cups month by month in which we will invite the top ranked teams of our ladders.

Great initative!

hf fellas
Reminded me of a column done back in the day...

Quote by Jule 06Fix: We need proactive work from ClanBase. Bombarding us with news, updates and progress reports. We need matches to mean something, for people to care.

All we need is a few changes. Initially the ladder should be segmented into ‘seasons’, an analogous ‘split’ on a stopwatch. The ladder continues to roll on but it allows teams to reflect on how they’re doing. A report from CB every three months commenting on how clans have done, who the biggest movers are and who’s top of the table – everyone loves publicity. This small gesture would help increase the importance of matches as they actually produce an end product.

Great to see ESL pick up the reigns, any chance of a few of the suggestions from back then could be implemented. This could tie in with your 1 day cup idea? Granted not that familiar with how ESL does things...
I also had that in mind when I posted the newspost ;)
esl, pffffffffffffffft
OMG we've lost our both no1 ranks ! Ahhh the drama !
stop editing my posts on gamestv :P
good luck
EU only??
We will not stop NA , CA or other teams from joining the ladder as there is no NA section of ET in the ESL.
What would it take to get some NA ET ladders open?
you'd need a capable guy who applys as Admin in the NA section and states that he wants to open an ET section. If his apply is fine and he is active enough he will probably make it and open an ET section with some ladders & such. Though the hardest thing is to find stable and active teams who play in your ladder :p
Theres plenty of active teams here but what we lack is a variety in competition. Currently neither ETL or STA offer ladders however XPL will.

Personally I wouldn't be able to apply per my involvement with XPL but I can think of a few people I will pas that info along to.

Thanks for the info :)
Make sure they check these posts:

Up to now the NA section still seems pretty empty. I can't promise you that they are interested in an ET ladder atm, though its worth a try.
Thanks m8 :)
No offense, but I think with the upcoming NationsCup / ET masters / EuroCup there are enough major leagues going on already ..
Gl though :-)
those are no ladders :) Also the ESL ladders have been open for years. We have just resetted them and hope to bring back more activity to it. Read my column for the specific readsons.
The team has too many members for this league (2on2 teams must have exactly two members).

honestly, what kinda crap is that, u still didn't fix this after 2 years when I last tried to join the ladder :o ?
It will never be fixxed as it is supposed to be like this.

2on2 Teams are handled similar to 1on1 accounts in the ESL System. This means you are only allowed to have a team consisting of two players (2on2 account) when joining the ladder. As 2on2 teams shall only play with these 2 players and not a random lineup of 10 or more.
so u lost one signup there I guess
it must be a hard one to do 10mouse clicks then :)
its not that, if your only allowed to make a 2on2 team account which consist of only 2 players, you will be having a hard time playing since if one is offline you cant pick anyone else to play with unless you make about 10 team accounts with you and your mates in it...
I do understand your complaints. Though its not a thing I can change =)
actually we made a 2on2 team for that thing 2 years ago, but sanda doesn't know his pw so he can't add guids and therefore we can't join anything with that team... so, so much for that
so let him request a new pass or if he lost his email aswell query me in irc
guess he lost email as well, but dunno if I want to put that much effort for this :O
same for here :/
So 2on2 teams must have 2 members but 3on3 teams can have as many as they want? Sounds great
Not much of a team if you're changing 50% of the lineup...
you really think that there is some 2v2 only teams? MOST OF are 3v3 teams with 3-5 players in lineup who play 2v2 just for fun too.
Create a few accounts? :v

chmpp + mate > chmpp + mate
chmpp+mate, chmpp+mate1, chmpp+mate2
mate+mate1, mate+mate2

6 clans so one clan could play as they want?
need chmmp community!
there must be a border line somewhere.
But not an absurd one like yours
It works in games like CS and CoD, why wouldn't it work for W:ET?
Read chmpp's comments
it could be blocked with "one of your members is already in another clan" tho, havent tried but since it ESL id expect it.
it will block you from joining with multiple teams, yes :)
allowed to make several accounts then? seems to have no other way
no you are not allowed to have multiple accounts :s
lets see if u can catch me!
pls dont even try ;>
Let's summarize:
You can't have multiple accounts.
You can't join more than one clan.
You can't have more than 2 people in a 2on2 clan.

So if two friends from a 6on6 clan want to participate in the 2on2 ladder, they have NO way of doing this? 2on2 must be some serious fucking bussiness, really.
No you didnt get the point at all.

All they need to do is create a 2on2 team in which they both join. This is undependent from any other teams they participate in. The only block they have is that they can not be in the ladder more than once or with a team consisting of more than 2 players.
Creating a team is a thing which takes you 1minute.
you can only make a ladder active if it brings prices (doesn't have to be material stuff) with it.. Like, automatic invites for bigger cups etc dunno..

Clans prefer one day cups above ladders these days.. sad but true
premium membership lol'd :D
The invite to a well organised 1 day cup with the extra prestige is a decent thing, 'n seeding for things i.e. Crossfire LANs does generally take into account official matches.
with 15 teams in the ladder thats like not even a whole cup :D
It seems a lot of teams are afraid of the "officialness" of a ladder, while active ladders are a requirement for W:ET to grow out to become a more competitive game, which means more prize money to be earned. Once you are part of a ladder, you can treat ladder matches like PCW's, except that they are played in a more protected environment.
It ain't that bad, at least not worse than CB, just different.
QuoteFurthermore we plan to host special one day cups month by month in which we will invite the top ranked teams of our ladders.

very nice idea!

Though I've got to admit I'll be still playing on CB
I do not have a problem with that. Even more I hope you play Clanbase and ESL and Crossfire and 1daycups and everything else which is out there :p
that sounded like some political bullshit talker
Going to make a 1on1 Speed-Cup ladder? :)
since when does CB host one day cups?
They don't
Very nice idea !
oh dear - crusher must be devestated (or crushed ^^) - you reset his beloved 1on1 ladder :X
Read news on ESL page .
sehr erwachsen, das hättest du dir echt sparen können..
dont understand ? in english please (btw it was supposed to be funny not in a bad kind of way - you missunderstood my comment i guess)
yeah and now revive get-league plz
lol current contestants 6on6 looks like polish league :O
just wanted 2 write the same thing & saw yr comment.

10 teams & 7 of them are polacks. awesome ladder.

it's such a pleasure to play vs laggers , wallhackers & people with retarded attutude
123434234th try to revive et @ esl?
esl > cb
This is precisely what ET needs, awesome job
im gettin some error while uploading my guid on esl. do we have to do anything special to upload it? (kinda fucking me up, some1 gimme a hand xD)
qry me or another admin in
there is a tutorial in every info & detail page of every league
well ive read that guide and nothing helps this problem lol
query any operator in with the exact error message please
make a better (easier to use) site and kill CB already :p
Remove "player already in league" finally - shittest thing @ ESL
need 6on6 offi @ sunday

first of all new esl admins plz!!!
i like you too
lowskilled players who dont know a shit about the game as admins impressive ladder lolZ
Quotelowskilled players who dont know a shit about the game as...
esl admins are dumb 90 percent of the polish esl teams ch...
first of all new esl admins plz!!!
omfg plz die kk thx!!!!
thx mister low+
"k" mister low+ :D
never heard of you, naming yourself like our clan is pure...
der große furz !!!! :DDDDDDD
dudes its not about the sens i got highsens too and use i...
gl nixuu :D
xDDDD if you say so mister "high" youre more random than...
i lol'd make avi then plz if it was sooooooo obvious

hello mr. high
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