UPDATE - MYM drop Moon & Grubby
29 Jan 2009, 13:54
MeetYourMakers, one of the biggest organisations in eSports who had several million dollars of private investment behind them have shocked the eSports community by announcing the release of its Warcraft 3 team including the two WCG Finalists, Moon & Grubby.
Interestingly though, MYM do state that they're taking a change in direction with regards to team recruitment as the reason behind this decision, so maybe they'll pickup an ET team afterall? :P
Source - http://www.mymym.com/en/news/15720.html
Update - Rakaka reports that Moon could fall straight into the hands of Korean organisation WeMade Fox for a whopping €16,000 a month!
Source - http://www.rakaka.se/?news_id=8825
Interestingly though, MYM do state that they're taking a change in direction with regards to team recruitment as the reason behind this decision, so maybe they'll pickup an ET team afterall? :P
Source - http://www.mymym.com/en/news/15720.html
Update - Rakaka reports that Moon could fall straight into the hands of Korean organisation WeMade Fox for a whopping €16,000 a month!
Source - http://www.rakaka.se/?news_id=8825
so they kicked all of them to make a new fresh start with a different strategy and players? am i reading this correct?
They won't pick an ET team since there are no good teams left? What about impact-gaming or some secret team from Sjip ?
But what is the reason for this ?
The credit crunch hit esports [sic]?:r
explain lol , how can you invest that much in a team and expect a decent amount of return ?? advertising cant be the only reason ?
damn engrish
omfg :D
serious business idd
thats a lot of money a month :'(
Seems ridiculous seeings how the game involves no skill & is all based on time invested.
YEAH UNLIKE FPS GAMES :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddddd or any game/sport ever for that matter...
New talents are beating the experienced oldschoolers all the time in Starcraft. Flash won GOM when he was 15... beating players of the calibre of BoXeR, bisu, etc...
Your argument isn't even an argument, it's just wrong.
You can only gain skill by investing time in the game.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Name ONE sport or game where time invested doesn't influence it...
edit: I've come to to the conclusion that you don't even know what Warcraft 3 and Starcraft are.
They are not MMORPGs (even still, not all MMORPGs have PvP where time influenced can reward you, eg, Guild Wars) but they are real time strategy games. Look up the genre. It's a 1v1 game in the same way Quake is. You start a round in the exact same situation as your opponent.
You're right, I saw Warcraft & read WOW...nuff said. My bad
seems Toss was right but now I've wasted several minutes :(
nah, not really.
His status in South Korea can be compared to the superstar status that David Becham has in the UK.
16k per month, + sponsored stuff, + Competition winnings.. He's fucking rolling in the money..
who says that gaming isnt a serious career and way of life now.