CoD2 EuroCup Players Send a Message to CB

image: COD2%20large%20logoIn an unprecedented move in ClanBase, the CoD2 EuroCup players have banded together to save their Cup Supervisors, Wabbit and Yami. They face removal from their positions after the shocking revelations that they were being blackmailed into making decisions by the Game Supervisor, Leon. After these accusations were made public on the Crossfire community site, Leon moved to ban crow from ClanBase and to strip Wabbit and Yami of their power. It was revelaed by an anonymous source within the ClanBase crew that, after the current EuroCup season, Leon will no longer allow Wabbit and Yami to run this cup.

The community was outraged and immediately steps were taken to counter this plan. The EuroCup players got together and decided to write an open letter to the highest admins in ClanBase, pleading to them to safeguard the futures of Wabbit and Yami. Support for the pair was overflowing and this only reaffirmed the fact that these are two of the most respected admins in the whole ClanBase system. Every team was quick to sign on and not only give their support for Wabbit and Yami, but also to share their contempt for the likes of Leon and Cryptic, the other supervisors who seem to bring nothing but trouble to this game.

You can view the original columns by crow and Tosspot that sparked this controversy at the following links:

CoD - Another Clanbase Blunder

Crossfire Analyses Game Supervisors

Read on to see a copy of the letter sent to the ClanBase admins...

Here is a copy of the letter sent to ClanBase, signed by each of the teams that participated in the CoD2 EuroCup XIII:

Dear ClanBase Admins,

I represent my team in signing this petition as a message to ClanBase to let our views be known. ClanBase has always been the biggest supporter of Call of Duty 1 and 2 and has been behind everything good about the series in the past. Loyal and experienced admins such as Scorp, Yami and Wabbit have stood up at every opportunity and fought to get this game as far as possible. We are always grateful for the hard work of admins who put their free time into developing this game and running leagues, ladders and cups for us, the players. So many people have worked so hard to achieve what we have here, we are now the biggest team game in ClanBase and one of the lucky few to receive a place at the EuroCup lan finals.

We do not take anything for granted however and are aware of our good fortune in having had such great leaders in the past. Scorp, one of the first great admins for CoD2 was one of those but sadly illness forced him to redirect his efforts elsewhere. He passed the torch on to Wabbit, not only one of the most experienced players at the time, but also a great, hard-working admin which was just what we needed. He worked so hard as game supervisor and on the EuroCup with Yami, his able co-supervisor. People like this have brought the game to where it is today and every player knows that.

We now find ourselves in a time of crisis, our community is being split by the cumbersome admins now in power and they have tried to lash out at whatever they can reach. Wabbit and Yami stand in line to be removed from power after this season, or sooner. Why? Only because they say what they believe in and stand up for what they believe will make this a better game. They are the victims of blackmail and abuse from their superiors and are being driven out, against the will of the CoD2 community. I represent my team when I say we do NOT want this to happen. It would set this game back so far to remove these two admins who have worked as hard as anyone else in there to bring this game to where it is today. This is ClanBase going one step too far and we, the community, will not allow this to happen.

Wabbit and Yami represent everything that is good about ClanBase-cod2 and removing them would be the beginning of the end for what was once a great game.


Michael Sowa (representing Team Speedlink)

Sami Nieminen (representing Insignia Cadre)

Calle Stern (representing zeroPoint-Gaming)

Michael Bradshaw (representing Dignitas)

Sander Goorsenberg (representing digitalMind)

Nick Schurink (representing Northern Darkness)

Anthony Lewis (representing Webone)

Liam Crowley (representing Check Six)

Isaac Peña (representing redCode-XFi)

Timo Arminen (representing

Steven Leunens (representing Tek-9 Networks)

Marco Barasi (representing Bouncer4You)

Aaron Jones (representing Trademark Gamers)

Andreas Gattermayer (representing essGummi)

Tomasz Kuda (representing 1410)

Ken Kreutzer (representing pure.eSports)

Wilmar Gmyrak (representing n!faculty)

Luca Crivellari (representing TooEasy)

Jan Craeynest (representing Dark Alliance)

Antti Sinisalo (representing Junk52)

Martin Röjder (representing RAW-gaming)

Mikael Oinonen (representing In a Blaze)

Steven Ashraf (representing H2k.qpad)

Miha Jurecic (representing Logic-Team)
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