Crossfire Movie of the Month: January

image: Jan09_3

After the work of Nellie with the Crossfire Movie Awards 2008 I got in contact to do something monthly. So we give you the Crossfire Movie of the Month awards.

The Criteria will be very similar to the awards by Nellie
  • All voting has been done by you, the Crossfire user.
  • Months are 25th - 25th in general.
  • Movies must have a minimum of 30 votes.
  • All ratings as of last day of the month.

This months movies are from January 1st - January 25th any movies released after 25th will go into February awards.

Winners are listed below - movies entered 1st-25th January with the votes as of 31st of January.

Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy the viewing for anyone that missed them. Please keep voting on these movies as they count towards movie of the year!

image: overall
Produced by: Estonia eurUz
Movie Page
Quote by eurUzTbh i always made my movies very simple. I never aimed for awesome edit and i never will, since i myself like simple movies with nice music and frags rather than overedited movies which have not so good frags. About the moviemaking...well it kinda is/was pain in the ass, if i look back at the process i'd say i at least spent thousand hours of recording, learning program and editing.

The neverending fuckups and waiting time, god i love them : ) Also if i look back now at my movie then i would make many things different, but the movie got pushed to be released earlier since i was playing competitive and i really needed a format.

Anyways this movie taught me many things which could of have done better and i hope next time it will be better.

I'd like to say thank you for all who watched my movie and told the mistakes/good things i made, that's what i as moviemaker appreciate because that's what makes me create better movie next time. thx Special thanks to ag0n, madscientist, hannes and teams i played with, which made this movie possible : )
Produced by: United Kingdom crumbs
Movie Page
Quote by crumbsI made the movie with the intention of trying out my Capture tool, which creates a batch process to capture screenshots, which can be turned into clips with a movie. Although I only spent one day making the movie I was happy the response it got, and was a nice that the content was appreciated. I was unsure whether people would like the content as it was mainly from my time in unKind where I was largely inactive. I tried to include some more quick and unusual frags and a more simplistic feel to the frag movie, in the style of my first movie Operation BIGMAC which the majority enjoyed.
Produced by: France 400hz
Movie Page
Quote by 400hzHello, this is more than 2 years that I make films, and almost as much time as i know Simoon, we were in the same team.

1 year since I don't have time to do the video, but i promised Simoon to do his movie.

It's a pretty nice video to watch, Simoon is a good rifle. It took only two weeks to achieve it.

A film is a particular thing in the world of ET, and now Simoon entered the circle.

I thank all those I know, but especially Simoon, Bahamut, COX, AZUR, QU@KE, JIIND3.

I would also like to thank my teammates 400Hz PRODUCTION, YoYo, tzbq and beq.

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image: creativity
Produced by: Estonia eurUz
Movie Page[/hide]
Produced by: Europe filu
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Produced by: France 400hz
Movie Page[/hide]

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Produced by: United Kingdom crumbs
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Produced by: Estonia eurUz
Movie Page[/hide]
Produced by: Netherlands jo0f
Movie Page[/hide]

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image: editing
Produced by: Estonia eurUz
Movie Page[/hide]
Produced by: France 400hz
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Produced by: Europe filu
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image: quality
Produced by: Estonia eurUz
Movie Page[/hide]
Produced by: Italy jolly
Movie Page[/hide]
Produced by: United Kingdom crumbs
Movie Page[/hide]
n1ce hope to see the next editions too :)
should be fixed now. thanks
Nice one MerlinatoR
Already know the February winner!
A great idea, just wondering if there will be enough content for every month. :o
w00t euruz :)
Congrats Estonia eurUz !

Great work merl =)
Nice job :)
gege mart
pretty nice
Congratulations, euruz!
gratz simoon
grats euruz (and joof) ! :P
Grats Finland Sienihermannit adventures !
nice :D

now some prizes would be cool too :p
Prizes for fragmovies is actually imo a great friggin' idea.

Good movies take alot of effort and giving prizes out will encourage others to make them too :]

However, crossfire rating system is very biased, so I guess it wouldn't be fair.
Maybe a jury of ET talents/moviemakers/contributors can together put down a movie of the month.
should include ads then
you should have announced this before, some were lucky to submit their movie in januari
great stuff
omg euruz omg
sieniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii XD

nice layout :]
monkey WHAT?
winners say a lot of quality movies this month tbh
dont you mean all time? except 1 or 2
should've added mine later!
well done euruz
i dont think there are 12 movies worth mentioning released every year
I would say an even lower number (Wolf/ET movies anyway). 5 maybe?

But this is pretty harmless I guess.
monkey whoax creativity award?
music frags hs sounds
like every other movie
whats so amazing in that?
who knows :S
votes are by crossfire users. This is purely to get people interested in posting/dl fragmovies. Im just basically publishing information that is already on the site and formalising it ;)

got a list ?
sieni ofc
My movie incoming at 1st place in February!
Well done cheatruz!
Editing award for monkey whoax?! omg...
Whoever has most buddies wins.
why isen't joof movie at place one of the contents?
Gold 7.8 Monkey Whoax?

Silver 7.2 Return of the MAC

Bronze 6.85 $!MooN

4th 6.87 Sieni Adventures


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votes as of 31st of January, people can still vote on movies though. :)
take the 1111 and 10101010 votes out pls
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