Highlights of Sunday's Clanbase ET NC !

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0
Russia h8m3
Russia jago
Russia JokE
Russia rivz
Russia slaw
Russia freezer
vs. Germany
Germany snoop
Germany drago
Germany butchji
Germany haZer
Germany urtier
Germany wEAK
Germany RoXoR

Lineups are taken from Gamestv.org
Date : 15.02.2009 / 18:00 (CET)
Maps : Reactor / Goldrush
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Russia JokE & Germany snoop
Admins : Germany mUnduS & Poland szczurek
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: None yet !

Hungary BoRi
Hungary Nonix
Hungary powi
Hungary Ocelot
Hungary Logic
Hungary Cartman
vs. Switzerland
Switzerland vegi
Switzerland MTM
Switzerland crAsh
Switzerland GuNnEr
Switzerland ReavEr
Switzerland zeKza
Switzerland ShAx

Lineups are taken from Gamestv.org

Date : 15.02.2009 / 21:00 (CET)
Maps : Reactor / Goldrush
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Hungary Nonix & Switzerland ReavEr
Admins : Germany mUnduS & Belgium Bartichello
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: None yet !

Belgium Jere
Belgium Worm
Belgium spiROZE
Belgium siL
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium xAv
Belgium emzii
Canada anim
Canada sHAUN
Canada rossko
Canada punkk
Canada Tranix
Canada CrimZon
Canada Empzy
Canada KaKu

Match wont take place, check the news !!!

Date : 15.02.2009 / 21:00 (CET)
Maps : Reactor / Goldrush
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Belgium Worm & Canada anim
Admins : Europe BlaZer & Belgium Bartichello
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: France Tato0[/s]

Netherlands perfo
Netherlands m1lk
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands joop
Netherlands overboost
Netherlands abort
Netherlands Ati_
vs. Czech Republic
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic cpu
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic nindrt
Czech Republic marv

Lineups are taken from Gamestv.org

Date : 15.02.2009 / 22:00 (CET)
Maps : Goldrush / Reactor
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Netherlands teKoa & Czech Republic Loo
Admins : Germany mUnduS & Germany ONESPOt
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: Czech Republic ResP

Spain WeZor
Spain Neom
Spain Zeros
Spain trazo
Spain Z1P
vs. Latvia
Latvia fuzz
Latvia dunno
Latvia vinyl
Latvia Mata
Latvia speedy
Latvia El Comandante

Lineups are taken from Gamestv.org

Date : 15.02.2009 / 22:00 (CET)
Maps : Goldrush / Reactor
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Spain WeZor & Latvia vinyl
Admins : Germany mUnduS & Belgium Bartichello
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: None yet !

Italy mama
Italy jolly
Italy decade
Italy vegeta
Italy diO
Italy rizz
Italy neve
Italy zwiazek
vs. Poland
Poland wrobel
Poland Wiaderko
Poland Xanah
Poland kot
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland dialer
Poland naga
Poland r1co

Lineups are taken from Gamestv.org

Date : 15.02.2009 / 22:00 (CET)
Maps : Goldrush / Reactor
ETTV : GamesTV.org
Who to watch : Italy mama & Poland wiaderko
Admins : Germany mUnduS & Belgium Bartichello
Coverage : Germany essAh
Shoutcast: Italy rio_
Video Stream (Audio & Video): United Kingdom Tosspot
ye watch joke!
Nice one essAh
who cares that teams ....
np for ger :D
maybe I will add more tomorrow mate.
or check in an hour
we can read gtv no need for this
Wow didn't no that. It's people like essAh that keep the community alive and all you can say is "we can read gtv no need for this." Nice one and thanks for stating the obvious!
He's right tho.
there are like 50 matches on sunday on gtv, 20 matches of ur polish noob clans, its just to make it more lucid -> its called Coverage, and thats more needed than managing 10 ET Clans.
keep it up, dont listen to the whiners ^^

to the news, the best match will be .nl - .cz imo
Coverage is when you actually WRITE something, not when u copy/paste info from cb and gtv. You weren't even bothered to ask for possible lineups, so don't call your shit a coverage please.
Then you don't understand the need to give background / a narrative to matches being played :)

Though I prolly would've cherry picked a few of the matches as "ones to watch" & added some extra info.
backround as in what?
Speaking generally, to keep ETTV viewers interested (& gtv / xf a purpose), it helps to give a reason as to why a match is important.
I hate that fat banner.
same, I asked Bartichello, its the only one Clanbase offers :D
Who to Watch: Canadaanim

gl zeKza
Belgium vs Canda is to my mind the most exciting match. Belgium has a totally new line-up and it's hard to say if they will take it against Canada.

no mAus no win. :D

Russia vs Germany - Germany
Hungary vs Switzerland - Switzerland
Belgium vs Canda - Belgium
The Netherlands vs Czech Republic - Netherlands :DD
Spain vs Latvia - Spain
Italy vs Poland - Poland (interesting match aswell)
I Doubt that this match will be played due to the scandal and ppl getting banned
GL each team :)
player to watch Italy vegeta , im a noob :@
toss, why soutcasting pol vs it ? =/
everyone will watch ger vs rus

no way to change it ?
GER vs RUS will be ez for GER if you ask me. Most interesting will be NL - CZ if you ask me
no one asked you :).

And would be exciting for Toss:
"...and h8m3 makes tk, double tk, FULL PULL,... and another great victory of team-Ger".
image: mausay1

4:2 for Belgium, ggs, love Worm.
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