ET Masters: The day is coming!

image: header2

The last but by far not least deciding qualifier matches will be up tonight with the surprising Denmark nSens facing the old and glory France dESIRE and France gZcon trying their best to get over the close loss against Finland mASCULINE MANS from Tuesday with facing United Kingdom verS. Both matches will be on ETTV so make sure you tune in!

Lower Bracket Round 4
Denmark nSens - dESIRE France (ETTV)
France gZcon - verS United Kingdom (ETTV)

The Groups are up!
Finally, the groups are up with all their matches and proposed match dates. Due to issues during the qualifiers with server choice and nations cup schedule. Therefor the first match week is delayed by 1 week. If you already agreed on a date, don't care about this change and just play your match.
:: Division 1 Group A - B - Matches // Group A - B - Rankings
:: Division 2 Group A - H - Matches // Group A - H - Rankings
:: Division 2 Group I - P - Matches // Group I - P - Rankings

Last notes
- To report scores use this document.
- Players can only play for one team, allowed player lists will be released Monday or Tuesday
- You can add as many players as you want before the first matchweek
- We have transfer periods, read the rules if you don't know them
- If your clan is not playing anymore, tell an admin about it!

We wish every team the best of luck and much fun in their matches during the ET Masters Season 2!image: s_news
Late Sign Up
We are still looking for teams to join our cup. With 150 teams signed up but also a few teams dropping out already our waiting list is getting empty.
To sign up send a pm to chosen including the following details:
- Url to Crossfire's team sheet
- Your line up and team captain
- The mail adress of your team captaint
- Url to the clan on CB or ESL - OR - to each player on ClanBase or ESL
- Use "ET Masters Sign Up" as title
:: Sign Upimage: s_news
We have 3 drop outs but no teams to replace them atm!
Teams not joining the cup immediantly will be added here

image: s_headimage: h_etmasters
:: Teams & Seedings
:: Rules
:: Schedule
:: Report scores
image: h_div1
:: Qualifier Bracket
:: Group A - B - Matches
:: Group A - B - Rankings
image: h_div2
:: Group A - H - Matches
:: Group A - H - Rankings
:: Group I - P - Matches
:: Group I - P - Rankingsimage: s_foot
image: p_ig image: p_cf image: p_qv image: p_gtv image: p_ycn image: p_esl image: p_aow
image: s_headOur admins
image: s_news
United Kingdom Adacore (@)
Israel chosen (@)
England evo (@)
Germany essah
Estonia infect
Germany mens0
image: s_news
Netherlands Kiewan
Germany meNtal
Spain m1ster
Germany ONESPOt
Poland pedro
Israel Res
image: s_news
Poland shap
Germany Skydriver
Germany varit
Sweden viL
Netherlands Woody
image: s_news
Become an admin
If you want to support our crew you can always apply as admin for the ET Masters. Send a pm to chosen including your age, current clan, personal admin history and a reason why should we pick you as admin.
Apply as AdminNews supporters
image: s_news
United Kingdom The Last Resort
Europe H2K Gaming
Germany ET-Scene
Germany ROCKIT
Europe mouk esports

image: s_news
Europe esport files
Poland ET Web
France 8=D Team
United States of America woCen
Europe esreality

image: s_news
Czech Republic TeamPlay
France dESIRE
France StarZz-Gaming
France ET-FR
Europe Sektor Gaming
Europe 8Bits-Gaming

image: s_news
Europe Epsilon
Europe Overload
Europe (XonX Network)
AnonymousSpam it all the way, this tournament needs your support to get as much attention as possible. Tell your friends, clan mates and national communities to sign up and join the tournament.
If you are an owner of a website, just tell us on IRC, so we can link your website back in this newspost.
hf all =)
i love this layout, fuckin nice :)
Nice changing the matchweek date, what if some teams already scheduled their matches for today ?
Quote by This newspost already contained the answer to your questionIf you already agreed on a date, don't care about this change and just play your match.
WunderBRA :!)
mental admin? d`oh?
Good, gives us some extra time to find an apropriate 6th.
Nice flag chosen. :XD
Amazing groups.
Indeed, utterly fantastic.
ohhh the pressure!
Ready for 1/25 mate ? :D
groups are very even
Thought the same.
<3 chosens flag :>
wth at groups :s
group a = group of death
Ye, shld be close
fuck off with your groups =/
totally not putting Impact in an easy group ..
o plz i never did the groups so dont talk shit
just take a look at the groups, you'll notice it yourself ..
it's not a personal insult to you, but Impact's group (A) is WAY easier than group B
then why would you not say omg look at BB group they got it so easy... i'll take a look at it especially since HB have now officially folded
well for HB spot you should make the qualifier wich will be played nSens vs versatile!, guess thats fair enough, as they were the last teams wich didnt qualify :)
yes, we will definitly do that :p
hmm ye you got a point there aswell, but that makes 2 "topteams" in group A .. B has more than 2 ;-)
hope you can still do some changes, as you said!
who are the top teams in group B then?
i was serious i would like to know who you think should be considered a top team
guess it's pretty obvious, just compare group A to group B, and you'll see the difference immediately !
there are actually 2 teams @ Group B wich are so called top teams, Anonymous SNB & Slovenia
ye, h2k are noobs
well actually they aren't that good as people are saying.

ps. well maybe they are GOOD, but at the moment, havent seen them performing that well..
still they are one of the best teams there even if they aren't that good as they used to be
I already edited my comment!
agree, but they're still a topteam (way better than HB, TAG, and Cortana, the other teams in group A)

the general mixture of teams is just not balanced (A vs B), that's what I mean !
Yeah well you got that right, but you shouldnt underrestimate TAG & Cortana etc.. :)) and btw HB folded, so i guess there will be nsens / versatile!
whats the 6th map? didnt saw it anywhere..
whats with the whine about impact getting a easy group bullshit, its purely lotto.
as far as i know there is no highbot anymore, so who will replace them?
There is, they are Official only
what the hell is up with the groups, I mean it was bad enough already
but putting pidars in group B too, is just over the top
when will the TBD's be filled in? Would like to know which group we're in and who we have to play.
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