call it a day

image: vaelogo
swine brings us the news that vae.etis no more. Here's what he had to say on vae website

Quote"Seven months ago, six guys came together and founded the ET-Squad of Vicious and Evil. They started practicing and aimed high. They wanted to get into Eurocup XIII whether they get a direct invite or they have to play the qualifier. It took some time until they were able to compete with the other european teams that gathered to play Eurocup aswell, but it worked out pretty well in the end. They won their qualifier, moved into this year's EC and had some intense matches versus clans like Estonia, Poland polewka, Europe Northern Darkness or Europe Team-Helix and whatnot, whether it was on Clanbase, Warleagues or in the ESL Spring-Cup whose Semifinal was shown on GiGa-eSports. Nevertheless it was not enough to ascend to the Playoffs.

Some of the guys lost their motivation because it was the last official game they had to play, they were sad that all the practise was not enough to get further in the cup and plain-talking it was the last big cup for months and practicing without something to practice for is simply not an option.

So biqq, by mutual consent of the other members, decided to close the squad."

For the complete article follow this link.
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