Ireland vs Italy - 6(ish) Nations

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Welcome to Wednesday’s Six(ish) Nations Championship! It’s match week two and the irresistible Italians take on the irredeemable Irish, in what’s being billed as another David versus Goliath mash up. This the first match proper for the Irish, and they’re eager to overcome the doubters and get off to a winning start. Should they lose tonight, it'll be a constant uphill battle to avoid being awarded the Wooden Spoon.

In their first match of the competition Italy enacted an enthralling comeback, turning over what seemed an irreversible lead for the English and eventually clawing their way back from two maps down in order to share the points with the then despondent English. In little over an hours worth of game time, and four maps played, this was a flashback to the glory days of Enemy Territory – as two teams slogged it out, testing their mental stamina to the limits.

The Italians managed to hold England for over twelve minutes on Supply, primarily thanks to an impressive outer defence of the depot, repelling wave after wave of English attacks and holding them outside the walls for over four minutes. Assuming Italy have worked on improving their attack, they’ll be confident of taking the map tonight.

Battery is what throws some spice into tonight’s match, with teams reporting difficulties in practicing, and it being a map not regularly used in competition – assuming Ireland are fully prepared and can overcome the initial stage relatively easily, could this be their map to shine?

Ireland Ireland vs Italy Italy

Competition: 6[ish] Nations Championship
Time: 22:00 CET
Format: Best of three (BO3)
Maps: sw_battery / Supply

France France
England England
Italy Italy
Scotland Scotland
Ireland Ireland
Wales Wales
Portugal Portugal

Update: having talked to the teams, the majority wanted to play the standard best of three (Bo3) - and so the competition will henceforth. Details on what we'll do regarding the Italy/England result tba.

Tonight, nations collide. Tune in from 22:00 CET!

#6nations | Tournament Bracket
Easy for Bilgrim.
goodluck Ireland !
fra 6 - 0 por?

por: play 2games?
Portugal left before the remaining maps could be played.
? xD 3maps?
4 actually iirc
looooool i think we didnt know that xD
'best of', so not always (:

See post below.
are you having a laugh?
can i ask why you decided to map it 4maps per game.

its kind of shit if you ask me, it just drags.
A few reasons, though we have discussed changing it (what to do with England vs Italy score I’m not sure). But the feedback from captains has been mixed, some like it as it “saves us having to search ages for games then end up playing hackers” whilst others agree with you that it drags. I don’t think England vs Italy is the greatest example, and I agree that match did drag, as England had to delay the start by 30 minutes, then messed around mid-round / mid-map swapping players so we had at least 45 minutes worth of delays for that match.

The few main reasons was to increase the actual game time (personally don’t think an actual ingame time of 20/30 minutes is worthwhile), included with that being it’s mixes / ‘for fun’ so figured they wouldn’t be playing regularly anyway, it's not a 'serious' comp so we can experiment with new formats and to make the league format more competitive (no playoffs).

The reasoning for this is that the [CB] map list is almost entirely >7 minute per round maps. Assuming minimal delays (which can be done) that gives you about 30/40 minutes game time per match. Again assuming minimal delays and all the maps played a match shouldn’t exceed much over an hour, which I don’t consider excessive. I can understand that losing a 2 map lead probably feels like shit, but this’ll probably be the exception not the rule.

I think England were more pissed off than they might’ve been because they didn’t realise the format (though it has been in every news post & explained to the caps prior to the comp) so went from “yay we’ve won” to… losing a 2 map lead can feel like a loss, plus the massive delays waiting for the sublime players.

That said, if the majority of captains agree, and we can work something out with the England/Italy result, I’ve no problem in reverting to the standard.
obviously italy wont agree because then they have lost a game but im sure if they was in our shoes and most of the other nations they wouldnt think twice.
i just think it should be the best of 3 every game, makes the games more exciting as one team are definetly going to win instead of playing for all that time and ends up turning into a draw.

also (i know its to late now) but i dont see why portugal are in this cup, they have nothing to do with the 6nations.
But you're playing for points :)

Excitement is relative ! A draw can be great… Anyone that watches footy can tell you that :p
I see your point football wise but its not like that for ET in my opinion.
I asked every nation about the best of 4 and they agreed they would prefer reverting to the standard.
Fine, caps pm me on xf/irc 'n it's done :O)

England/Italy result remains iffy.
your not on irc :p
Bnc ^^ will be from 6ish
We could replay the match if you wish? maybe on the first 2 maps?
not every nation :D
everyone apart from italy.

im sure it will still be reverted, 6-1.
re the edit, see previous news posts.
Nice banner.

actually it looks like 7 nations to me
That's why it's 6"ish" nations.
Go vaaky I luv u <3
gl guys hav fun
Gl to the ireland :)
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