Kolik to stoji playoffs? - Czech Republic vs. United Kingdom !

Wednesday, a day like any other ? No.Clanbase ET NationsCup brings us an exciting match tonight. Japan was succesfull in using one of the less chances to reach the playoffs vs Estonia. Now it's up to United Kingdom United Kingdom. After their loss to France, its up to them to beat Czech Republic Czech Republic. Last chance for UK and last chance for you to watch such a good match. Hodne stestí and see you tonight !

United Kingdom
United Kingdom hentai
United Kingdom Meez
United Kingdom syK
United Kingdom w3st
United Kingdom griim
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom med1xza
0:4. Czech Republic
Czech Republic nindrt
Czech Republic marv
Czech Republic butch
Czech Republic Loo
Czech Republic cpu
Czech Republic denton

Date: 18.02.2009 / 22:00 ( CET )
Maps: SW_Battery / Supply
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Admins: Germany essAh & France b3ck
Who to watch: United Kingdom Meez & Czech Republic marv
Coverage: Germany essAh
Shoutcast: Czech Republic ResP

It should be the last chance to reach the playoffs for United Kingdom tonight. After losses versus The Netherlands and France they have to beat the czech, otherwise they are out. Perfect teamplay and individual skills will be needed to bash the unbelivable good teamplay of Czech Republic. The team, lead by ButtonBashers' marv has already shown that they are able to beat every team. But the experience of syK and the individual skill of griim and Meez could UK get a win. Pretty close and exciting match. See you tonight, to find out if UK fails like the year before.

#clanbase.et | Ranking

Looking forward to a good match. Good luck and have fun on behalf of the Clanbase ET NC Crew !
gl uk :)
Maps: SW_Battery
gl both, hope the game will be interesting, but as i've seen Czech Republic praccing all days long, guess they'll win it 4 - 2 !
Who will win?
ooops ;DDD i forgot to add Czech Republic
better now?:=)
yeah lol :D I was a little confused I thought I miss read it!
rofl :DDD hahahaaaahahaha

are you ok?
Shouldnt you be cheering for UK? :P
of course not... you will rape them :D
UK got no chance. Haven't won a match this season.
team-ukhentai+his friends sucks
<3 syK marv butch ross dave danny
Czech imo
no chance for uk

need teente<3 :(
No chance UK

4:0 Cze
gl cpu
^-- player to watch imo
GL procesore xD
no chance for uk!

i don't even have sw_battery afaik :oD
another fail by UK? =]
i think this is the end for UK :(

prove me wrong please.
Czech RepublicCzech owns, go go guys
np for CZ
sw_battery, best measure of skill available.
didnt even know there was a final version, only got b4 :E
Maybe that's why you lost. Find a prac on battery is not impossible.
<3 UK hf syk & guys ;];]
mhm close one; maybe cze win 4-2 because of better teamplay
player to watch United Kingdom syK or w3st imo
dont fuck with boris
gl dan, dave & cookiemonster
cheers babez, i'll need it :D
butch and marv have always been my favorit players :)
I think you should watch rather than agreeing with biased remarks tbh.
doubt the UK will win one game tbh. gl cz
Good luck Dan and Dave! Though I doubt whether they will win this, think CZE is going to take it 4-2 like last time :<
GL UK - hope all play well esp w3st and hentai :)
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