RTCW League reborn

The (new) RTCW-League will be played in the old league-system. In season one only 3on3 will be played, because hoefully most clans will manage to build a team with 3 players.Clans will be devived in groups after strength and the league-system looks like a pyramid (one first or premier, two second leagues and so on). The first 3 of every group will win a (virtual) cup, the first 2, maybe 3 of every group will reach a higher league, the last 2 or 3 will have to play in a lower league next season.
So far the old system.

Statment of an Admin:
We don`t believe, that enough RTCW-clans will participate to fill more than 2 groups. Therefore here is the important renewal:
The same season is running for ET, but the special is to use a RTCW-like config: no mines, no rifle, no XP-System, faster fire-rate and so on, with other words RTCW based on ET.

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