The great rifle duel!

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

You may think that nothing interesting can happen on Saturday’s evening on ET scene. Well, you’re wrong then! Because today you will be able to see Japan Japan and Switzerland Switzerland clashing. has already prepared their great ETTV servers to fulfill sophisticated expectations of every single viewer. Furthermore, we will be able to compare two great rifles. On the one hand, Switzerland gifty will represent oldschool power, on the other side Japan MiRUKU will try to prove that newcomers can climb up high as well. Who will take the glory and make their chances of reaching playoffs bigger? Find out soon!


image: game9615

Switzerland Switzerland:
  • Switzerland MTM
  • Switzerland gifty
  • Switzerland vegi
  • Switzerland crAsh
  • Switzerland GuNnEr
  • Switzerland Rapt6rr

Japan Japan:
  • Japan Kirark
  • Japan MiRUKU
  • Japan Gabriel
  • Japan Remishi
  • Japan RollStone
  • Japan Vienna

Lineups source: MTM & Kirark
Maps: supply / sw_battery
Time: Saturday 19 CET
Server: US Located


At the beginning please allow me to make group C ranking clear. After quick maths, current correct ranking after looks like:

1. Belgium Belgium 1-0
2. Japan Japan 1-1
2. Estonia Estonia 1-1
4. Switzerland Switzerland 1-1
5. Hungary Hungary 0-1

4 teams got the same amount of games won and tied. Then result of the matches between the tied national teams counts. We got Belgium with 4-0 (won jp), Japan 4-4 (won ee, lost be), Estonia 4-4 (won ch, lost jp), Switzerland 0-4 (lost ee). Two nations still got exactly the same aftereffect – JP and EE. They both have the same net secondary points, positive secondary points. Next comes rule: The Net Sheet of a summary of frags/caps/points. I can’t present you which nation is better at the moment, so both are presented as ex-aequo on 2nd place.



Switzerland Switzerland had to cross their guns against Estonia Estonia in their first groupstage game. After 0-4 against group favourite, they are back on track after sending off Hungary Magyars without losing a round. I have asked Switzerland MTM about his impressions so far:

It's been pretty hassle so far. We've had problems getting a decent line-up because of everyone's personal issues. I think our gameplay has suffered quite a lot because of that. However, I think we got a shot against Japan if we get a somewhat decent line-up. And yes, if you ask me about the server - we'll surely play on an NA server, no doubt (hi Estonians ;d). The match will be pretty close since Japan has shown its potential by beating one of the favourites.

The game will take part in supply and sw_battery fields. Do you feel confident, especially on 2nd map mentioned?

Heh, everyone knows supply for sure. I, however, don't feel too confident in battery. Seems like every team can set a proper time in it, so can't tell much about it. I think that with decent tactics it's possible to set a nice defence on it. Tough, I don't know if Japs've been practising it a lot.

What do you think about Japan.ET ?

Umm, I think they got an insane teamplay. From what I've seen so far, they've been playing in a clever way. To be honest, I'm pretty afraid of a couple of players!

Your score prediction?

As I already stated it will be a tight game. I'd say 4-2, don't know for which side, though.


On the other hand Japan Japan recorded similar start- losing 0-4 against Belgium Belgium. Hovewer, they quickly proved they can be a black horse of this NationsCup edition and robbed Estonia Estonians from points. With remarkable amount of fans, they will try to secure another win. I have spoken with Japan Kirark about his team:

After 0-4 with Belgium, Japan are back on track and unexpectedly beaten Estonia. Do you think you can win all rest matches ?

I want to think so but this NC has funny maps. Game can go by unexpected way.

Indeed, you will play on sw_battery. Is your team prepared tactically already ?

We all have 1 week experience of sw_battery but we prepared tactics a little and we noticed that sw_battery is so shit.

What do you think about tonight's opponent- Switzerland?

At the beginning I would like to say that I am glad to play against gifty. I respect him since long time. I also appreciate them for sportsmanship.

Japan-Switzerland score will be

4-2 jp I guess. Greetings for United Kingdom Noodle and Australia angelus.


Netherlands cheaSy
Quote I guess Japan will take this one, at first I lolled about Japan but if you saw them perform against Estonia, you shouldn't underrate them. Haven't really followed Switzerland to be honest, they have some good players but I think Japan will take it with 4-2.

Korea, Republic of ReMinD
Quote Japan is gonna make it if they beat Switzerland @ battery. They shown kinda good performance @ reactor versus Estonia, so I expect they can do it this time too.

Germany duKe_
Quote After the 4:0 Win over Estonia I really think the group is open again. Japan performed well, even if I think that Estonia just got some routing problems playing on USA server, which had a negative effect on their aiming. Due to the fact that this game will be played on USA server again, my bets are on Japan. Even the stars from Estonia like Night and RELOAd couldnt stop them, how can a single gifty bring it? If Switzerland don't come up with some brilliant Teamplay, I would say it will be an easy 4:0 Victory for Japan! | Ranking
essah was faster
[12:19:03] <Homer_> Could you remove your post about nc game and move mine already posted too instead?:D
ey .. you aren't @ irc anymore?? :O
who is ceasy? -.-"
a really nice guy !
not as n1ce as you <3
dunno who ceasy is, prolly some low random but we can't all be as oldschool as you woody :)
agree with the first part xD
haha assface :D
You dont know ceasy? GET OUT OF THAT CAVE MORON!
easy for japan if its on usa server
Belgium had 2 wins btw.

No wait that was against canada.
looking forward to this one, but tbh japan will win this easily..
gl miruku
nice coverage

gl rifle-buddys :)
will be watching this one. GO GO JAPAN AND GUNNEUR
reaver ? :<
can't agree more
gl gifty =) & gl Switzerland
much love to gifty and respect to Switzerland for playing the match with high ping, but i think Japan will win
Nice post :) Gl both teams
gl ninjas
GL Switzerland, I hope you will win this.
Hungary Magyars :DDDD
ye was all luck that they beat .ee with 4-0 :c
surely it was!
omg switzerland, show these pricks that they arent special. i cant understand the hype ffs.

GL FinlandMTM!
gl gifty<3 and co :D
Probably actually watch this, should be a nice game. My moneys on japan 4-0.

gl kirark & roll + jap
gl gifty
Server: US Located

Easy for jp.
the great rifle duel!

i out damaged night once so if i ever play vs mAus can you title it "sick aimers duel"
YEEEEE......... no
Japan is overrated :))
np 4 Kirark , MiRUKU & RollStone , GL!
np 4 gifty ;-)

gl :>
though one! but japans teamplay > switzerland
gl both teams
"It's been pretty hassle so far. We've had problems getting a decent line-up because of everyone's personal issues."


Lets some players try for join the team Switzerland, and you will see motivated players, but if you dont lets any chances...

My prediction : 4-0 japan

I bet they are trying to avoid doing any more arrows. x-)
3 words : They are stupid's
GL Kirark + co.
no reaver = no win

HF @ 200 ms Gunner :P
gl bodybuilder - gifty !:)
np for japan on supply.
switzerland will take this
We all have 1 week experience of sw_battery but we prepared tactics a little and we noticed that sw_battery is so shit.


Gl Switzerland and Japan. Nice coverage h0MER and well presented.
we've prac'd .jp on battery a bit recently and hence kirark's comment :p
US server? Did the Estonia match teach us nothing?
Yes, it taught us not to act like them :d

They didn't lose because of the server.
Have you seen the .EE demos?
Yes, playing 1 half on Japan server and other half on Swiss server would have been a better solution!
GL Switzerland !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gL crAsh you sexy man beast!
im amazed some people still fall for your trolling
"After 0-4 with Belgium, Japan are back on track and unexpectedly beaten Estonia. Do you think you can win all rest matches ?

I want to think so but this NC has funny maps. Game can go by unexpected way."


GL Japan
because i didnt cheat
Hungary Magyars makes no sense :D

Magyar = hungarian

what is the s for ? maybe you wanted to make it hungarians , funny :D
Nobody cares about your stupid language anyway. Be glad you're getting some publicity.
lol'd only a polski could do somethin like that! and maybe humm3l!
idd; hu +gb mix x)
its the same as saying "Polaks", what cant you understand here?
As I know it's used since the '50s or even before... it refers to our Golden Team in football with Ferenc Puskas and many others...
I hate this NC banner.. gl to both!
if MTM plays ez bash for japan
gl Switzerland, you can do it!

Homer, why dont you just take into consideration the outcome of direct clash between those 'two teams with the same aftereffect'? :-)

Japan 1-1 (4-4)
Estonia 1-1 (4-4)
Switzerland 1-1 (4-4)

I can see three teams with the same situation here, not two.
Because Belgium also got 1 win and you don't count lost matches while making group rankings EDIT: Switzerland has won 4-0 vs Hungary who don't have any win so far, so if you look by " 3. Result of the matches between the tied national teams", JP and EE got 4-4 and CH got 0-4 :) . Read
9. Group Rankings

1. Group rankings are worked out by the following rules, in order of importance:
1. Number of Wins.
2. Number of Draws.
3. Result of the matches between the tied national teams.
If the teams are still tied (E.g. in the case of a three way tie or more) the following rules are applied to determine final rankings (in order of importance):
1. Net Secondary points between the tied clans which are shown on the ranking page (E.g 24/10 - Net Secondary points are 24 - 10 = 14). Be that flags / mapwins / rounds / tickets.
2. Positive Secondary points which are shown on the ranking page (E.g for 24/10 Positive Secondary points are 24).
3. The Net Sheet of a summary of frags/caps/points.
4. Least number of forfeits/noshows.
Parent what a hot song :) i think shes Korean?

gl japan
Film jest niedostepny w Twoim kraju.

no h2o no win!
Fuck knows about the players/results etc

But imma just say Switz for their great sportsmanship and not giving a fuck about pings
easy for jp. :P
Suisse good sportmanship, respect.
Well played Japan.
like i said ^^
riflers are noobs that cant aim and gotta lame with riflenades
I thought you were joking until I didnt check clantags of clans you were/are in :D:D:D
indeed takes skill to kill some1 hidden in a corner with your riflenade 1 km away from him

what wrong with clantags?i dont waste my time with shit game like ET
wtf you doin here then
waiting to see this shit game die
if you only, for once, saw all the aspects of playing rifle, entire gameplay that needs for rifle to be called decent, you would shut the fuck up. but people like -=|AF|=-xViruSssZ won't understand it. but that's okay, i dont care abotu people like you. the real problem is that there are few skilled players that also think the way you do.
Rifle is for players who can't smg.
Watch Lightning.
you only prove my point :-)
i dont know that -=|AF|=-xViruSssZ

but heh not my fault if riflers cant aim and cant pick a real weapon
thanks for proving my point :)
yes that riflers sux
was that my point? :)
u must be some noaimer that plays rifle, sorry if hurted your ego :<
i am allrounder, can play smg, rifle, sten, fg42, sniper, panzer, mg42, colt, luger, even knife so np, nothing hurt :)
that fine then, i hate riflers only :)
suck my dick bitch
your mother, then she gave birth to you, which is 10x worse
his expressions are as low and as stupid as 'riflers are noobs that cant aim and gotta lame with riflenades'.
Go Canada! sorry, Japan!
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