North American ET 3on3 Ladder goes Live!

After a successful ladder petition, image: cbico ClanBase have decided to add a new ET ladder. image: clanbase_white

ClanBase is pleased to announce the opening of the new image: _a NA 3on3 StopWatch Ladder.

image: _aimage: gid25_smallEnemy Territory Stopwatch 3on3

More information can be found here:
must be flooded with activity !
its not very active but not dead either, thats why we're going to start with 3on3, if everything goes well, we'll start the 6on6 one.
6v6 would be awesome, but I still doubt a lot of the inactive good players would come back : /
ye lol thought the same..
great minds think alike :D
Well gl with that, let's hope that they will become active.
Part of the equation of a less active community is lack of places to compete. This will help. Thanks CB :)
Nobody took ladders seriously when we had TWL in 6v6, let alone 3v3. Anyone who wants to play in ladders in CB will already be playing in the EU ladder. The person who originally petitioned for this long ago disappeared from the NA 'scene'. Plus, there are about 50 active NA players, and half of them are known cheaters. You can delete all of this.
alright mr. negative. there's no pleasing some people
Sorry, just being realistic. We already have XPL, STA and ETPro League.(If you want a good laugh, look at the NA bracket for ETPro League) Have you seen how many teams are in STA? 14? Most of them show up once a week and don't 3v3. Those who are into 3v3s or are actually serious about the game already play in CB.
xpl 3 months late, etpro league is basically designed for neb to feel good about themselves and sta has like 8 teams right now.
And I'm curious how many NA team will play it. I'm sure that most of the teams will be from whole EU if you won't make some serious sign-up system.
ye let's play on 120 ping servers for fun
Erm, who tells you to play on NA servers ? You can join the ladder and challenge other EU team and then play on EU server ...
you make it sound like its a hard thing
just spec the nationscup, why did estonia loose from japan? It was clearly the ping where they were struggling with
Yes, on European server, Estonians would be very strict and tight! :D:D
"In a 3v3 : 2 players must be from that region"

How about you actually read the rules first?
How about making such a regional rules for all regional ladders ?
nice to keep the community alive
Enjoy babysitting all of our hackers and lowskillers.
lol? be happy about your "lowskillers" or otherwise your scene will die... everyone has to start as a noob
can i join and demand to play on a eu server?
ill be sure to join this ladder!!!!!! not.
omg news worthy !!!
dont think its a good idea right about now, with rtcw2 coming out in summer and all..
Hah haha hahahaha.
"# In a 7v7 : 5 players must be from that region
# In a 8v8 : 6 players must be from that region
# In a 9v9 & 10v10 : 7 players must be from that region "

Thank god that's specified!
you better start a speedcup ladder!
theres nothing wrong with starting another ladder. If its successful then keep it, if not take it away. At least give it a chance, instead of talking down to it. Yea there are hackers, but newsflash, theres hackers where ever u go.
+1 :) i hope some na teams particpate in this ladder :D and maybe some guys see this game is still alive and start playing it
especially when you recruit them as 1/2 your team :)
America fuck yeh!!!
Yea, there're many skilled NA players who are amazing to spec :))))))))
like anim for example :))))))))
oh wait...
I hope this will bring some new blood in.
Wow, so basicly after 4/5 year they finally open a NA ladder?
Better b4 rtcw2 than never!
C'mon stop joking !!
can other teams join too if we agree to play on NA server?
I'm pretty sure that it says the majority of the players have to be NA. I'm sure there are ways you could skirt around that though, if the team you were playing didn't mind.
need Africa ladder now
why retard ? Let's revive this community too !
Wont be playing. GL to the others.
lets all fucking whine about this, shall we? fucking na
I might play
hahaha NAAB americans cant play et worth a poop
any good team in na community going to play?
I'm pretty sure NEB and some former NET players will pick up players.
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