Quake Live Open Beta Today

image: dgn_quake_live_logo-1

Quake Live is opening its doors to all for the next phase of its beta testing, starting today. Quake Live is a specially adapted version of the legendary multiplayer game Quake 3: Arena, streamlined to make it playable in a web browser window, even on a low-end PC. It’s free too, so anyone can play – even while you’re at work… at least until five seconds after your network admin finds out.

id Software, the brains behind the seminal Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein series, hopes that Quake Live’s free-to-play model will earn its keep via unintrusive advertising around the game, instead of the subscription / micro-transaction model used by other titles. The fact that it can run in a browser, should give it an immediate advantage for getting new players on board, because no new software is required at all.

Today’s launch of the open beta concludes the closed beta stage – all player statistics from the closed beta are going to be wiped. But for stat junkies, be aware that this is the last time id plans on doing a total wipe – you’ll have to stick it through the open beta phase if you want to be on top when the final version is made ready.

If you want to sign up, join in the hype and find out further info, go and check out the official website and the Facebook page. Anyone who wants to enter the open beta will be able to sign up later on today.
It rox =) !
didnt like it
fuckin suckage.

browser game = fail.
not really

thousands of patches and maps and server browsers = fail
fungame somehow, though nothing for me
ya I never was much for "frag" games. It's ok for a quick change of pace but I get bored rather quickly.
CTF and Wolf MP Objective have a great deal in common
Ya I don't mind CTF so much because it's team based play with a goal other than frags.For people like me who aren't great fraggers it's easier to hide our inability in team play. :p
That's why QL should be THE DM GAME which clicks you. There are plenty of other newbs who just got their foot on deathmatch game and dont know much about the gameplay. And the best part is you can play against these newbs very easily due to (hopefully) working matchmaker, battle.net of DM games.
you calling tosspot and zombie noobs?
Yes? I bet they havent played that much of QL.
you did some good CTF casts at least .. back in the days ;)

Then itg'lun died :( and somehow noone continued to cast CTF matches.
my stats! >:C
If the maps didn't suck ass I'd play it more than I already do
1v1 maps are pretty decent imo, dm7 especially is fresh and that other new map too. although ql lacks hub :>
Lacks ztn :<
ztn shit of shit
ztn is the best dm map ever!
I still play cpma :o) Some of the most recent Quake tourneys did incite my interest for OSP, as at a top level its interesting enough to watch.
Would some cpma.et tournament incite your interests for cpm? :>
nah, im just playing cpm for fun atm :)
Does it will finally support Linux systems or it's still will be in beta stage as Faildows-only until full version comes out and id hopefully gives mac/linux support?
most likely windows only @ beta, dunno after the full release
QuoteAs of the beginning of this open beta, we only support IE and Firefox on the PC platform, BUT we’ve already started development on the Mac and Linux versions and hope to have those available shortly. Our hope for QUAKE LIVE on these platforms is very high and releasing them is a high priority for the development team.
It is not working for u with FF ?
QuoteWe're sorry, but your web browser or operating system is not compatible with QUAKE LIVE. You must be using a combination of the following:

Windows XP
Windows Vista

Firefox 2.0 / 3.0
Internet Explorer 7 / 8

Support for Mac & Linux, along with alternative browsers is under development.


Dammit, never mind that, but I want to Linux again so hard :<
But I aint got a free partition and cba deleting Windows because dunno whether I can get everything done =/

cba using winfail anymore
wtttttfffffffff <<<<3333333333333333333333333333333

thank u so fuckin much :DDDDDDDDDDDD

bb going to install it <3333333333333
I want to play it right now, but I can't =o[

Played closed beta, awesome :)

Skill matching/Automatic duel finder was very good for most of the times.
Dear Sainted,

Remember a few months ago when you could still get quake live keys really easy? Remember I made that newspost to promote Quake live on crossfire, spreading the word that you could get keys by just signing up your email (i got mine within a week back then) Remember you nuking it cause it was 'old' (or maybe you are just a sad person who got flamed too much for supporting QuakeWars)

Well, theres been a thousand quake live journals eversince and the game only got more popular on xfire. Basicly what i'm trying to say here is that you are a shit admin. Quake Live making it to major news on crossfire proves my point i guess.

yours truely,
you dont hold grudges do you :P

at least i can forgive some :o)
nice idea but normal version of Q3 way better for me.
Then you got some serious issues. CPMA vq3 (by far the most 'normal version' of Q3 these days) is unbalanced, aimwhoring shit campfest. Quakelive is trying to avoid that by beeing faster and nerfing rg+lg, and it's doing good on that. Although QL lacks the feeling of smooth ol' Q3, it's still lightyears ahead (or should I say: lightyears closer to what it should be) VQ3.
I am lover of Q3 but I dont rly know about competitive scene and settings and stuff. For me it would be better to integrate some anti-cheat and promote Q3 as it is know.
i googled that and found nothing
the most besting combination of letters describing spitting, should be on u-dictionary soon
a reason to install Windows again
Instagib ftw! Fun to pub. Could never take this game too seriously though in 1v1 or FFA, too random for me.
No one takes FFA seriously
i lag to shit online but atleast fun to play against the bots in prac mode :o)
lettu 1on1? :D
No instagib in open beta, GG!
i hope my old account stays there so i don't haveto register again ye?
Anyone know how much you need to download?
I haven't yet tried the open beta but after closed beta my quakelive folder is 270MB
Warsow > q1 > q3 all the way baby. q3 is way too slow to be dm game (where the hell is instant weapon switch, good bunnyhopping etc etc)
Have you ever played q3 cpma? It has the magical instant weapon switch and some aircontrol movement stuff!
My guess is I haven't tried cpma. Maybe i will give it a try :)
There's only one downside though, if you play e.g. Quake Live after that it feels like crap cos you can't do those insane rocket+rail or lg+rail combos anymore. :-(
I don't have that problem. I played Quake Live few times and I disliked it. Switched back to Warsow where you can do those insane combos and run like your balls are on fire..
Would u mind teaching me better wsw jump skills :D ?
There are tons of better racers than me :(
You'd love cpm, it's Warsow's bigger better brother.
You should really try CPM then. Warsow feels like a kidd's jumping game after few good duels :> CPM lacks random ammo, noob walljump and sluggish feeling.

ps. google "easyq3" -> trisoup.net/easyq3.txt + #cpma.et <3
Interesting interview here: http://www.quakeunity.com/article=25

"... I always look to Quake Arena as game as activity rather than game as movie. That is one of the core distinctions I always make. This was always an activity based game that you could continue playing for an arbitrary amount of time. I think we had the perfect content for this. We got off to a pretty good start with a lot of things and we learned a lot of lessons. It's tough to say how easy it would be to license or retarget this type of thing for somebody else. We certainly have considered extending it to Wolfenstein, as a separate brand. I think it would be tough to just hand off the technology to somebody else, but we'd entrain offers." -- John Carmack

So if the new Wolfenstein sucks ass, we can always hope for a rebirth of rtcw as a browser game :)
I'd be up for that. xD
rtcw with a fixed respawnsystem (being able to +forward before you spawn, 3 sec spawnshield and no bullcrap throwing ppl around with nades and airstrikes) and antilag :)

sounds great :o)
overdrive on 25/02/09, 16:08:06
rtcw does have 3 sec spawnshield :o)
quake live feels just like quake 3 osp with a few new powerups and weapons.
so its ............ nice!!!

the queue thing sucks a lot though
no promode no fun
Played it for a while today. I had never played any of the q games before, so it was kind of new to me. I liked it anyhow :). I guess I like the fast-paced action and the engine.
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