An impact on the dutchies

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Update: Netherlands OVERLoad wildcarded - folded!

Tonight an impact on the dutchies! Seeing the dutchies haven't pracced at all lately and Europe Impact.gaming not being satisfied with their performance after their break, this could go both ways. Will Europe Impact grind to victory or will they get Netherlands OVERLoad’ed with resistants. find out for yourself by tuning in gamestv and have fun watching.

Norway Domi:
Well since we havent really pracced much lately and had problems with getting a full lineup again, i dont know how well we do. only time will tell ;D

Malta toxiccccc`i:
As bullshit/public relations manager, I don't know what to say about this match. We haven't put 100% or anywhere near it in our praccing yet so we are still very rusty from the Xmax break, whereas overload hadn't stopped, but have just changed 2 players. I say its going to be a clumsy game. Hopefully naga can fit in well as well.

image: s_news
Netherlands OVERLOAd-Gaming
Netherlands Domi
Netherlands Aphesia
Netherlands Ati_
Netherlands Expl0r3r
Netherlands aeq
Netherlands Leonneke
image: s_news
United Kingdom Impact Gaming
Malta toxic
Netherlands M1lk
Poland naga
United Kingdom syK
Netherlands teKoa
Poland wiaderko
image: s_news
image: game9907
Shoutcaster: Germany w0nd3r
Admin: Anonymous Kiewan

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United Kingdom Adacore (@)
Israel chosen (@)
England evo (@)
Germany essAkz
Estonia infect
Germany mens0
image: s_news
Netherlands Kiewan
Germany meNtal
Spain m1ster
Germany ONESPOt
Poland pedro
Israel Res
image: s_news
Poland shap
Germany Skydriver
Belgium varit
Sweden viL
Netherlands Woody
image: s_news
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United Kingdom The Last Resort
Europe H2K Gaming
Germany ET-Scene
Germany ROCKIT
Europe mouk esports

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Europe esport files
Poland ET Web
France 8=D Team
United States of America woCen
Europe esreality

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Czech Republic TeamPlay
France dESIRE
France StarZz-Gaming
France ET-FR
Europe Sektor Gaming
Europe 8Bits-Gaming

image: s_news
Europe Epsilon
Europe Overload
Europe (XonX Network)
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Who is Expl0r3r ?
aeq back? oldsqwll!
haha nice flag on impact :D
not really its United Kingdom Impact Gaming
your lucky mystic isn't in the lineup, or else it would have been Finland Impact Gaming
Good luck both teams.
should be a nice game
get them like I got you!
need moar "didn't have time to practice" in 99.9% of statements
its not that, its more "didnt have players to practice"
gl ovr
hf impact
gl robstah and jero!
game cancelled I hear
gl overload
pls admins make some rule that teams must USE WILDCARD at least 2hours before match.. thats simply shit...


live with it
thats like telling a baby that the easter bunny doesnt exist. or that father christmas is non-existant.

have a heart :(
I know I know, but two last games we were preparing shoutcasts and stuff and when match should start it was canceled.. that sux.
It's the same what TosspoT was complaining about. Nowadays team's attitudes make it impossible for shoutcasters to plan on what matches they should cover. Even kiewan as an author of that written coverage here could be a bit pissed, at least I would be.
you have a point
Like i could help it i did not have 6 players.. really go try to play competitive then come talk bs.
LOL pls I was playing almost 3 years as CL and I know lot about organizating players etc, but thats shit you preparing cast, coverage etc and suddenly match wildcarded.
I cant help it, its the way some matches go. live with it
guyz calm down, I was only pissed off.
Like i wasn't.
What do you think the wildcard is for? Just for occassions that something unexpected happens that someone can't play right before the match. If it's known more time in advance you can simply reschedule.
if we'd have quadv, esl tv or a shoutcaster who actually is getting to one of us and telling that he will cast our event at least 2 hours before the match, we actually would be able to full fil the role you want us to.

watch yourselve first, blame others later.
will keep it in mind for other/upcoming games :)
I didnt do nothing bad man, just wanna do coverage and castig. Nowdays admins dont like us? :/
If you don't contact us but complain we don't like u!
I didnt read any instructions for shoutcasters... you have some?
1st, wildcard can always happen, so either ask the teams on your own before the match or contact an admin. 2nd, is not a major shoutcaster. Third, is our coverage partner - they offer a reschedule system we use, it's allowed to rescheduled a match at any time, so we do, 4th, teams are more important than a native shoutcaster with 10 listeners.
yes pls try more to tell us that we are shit, always nice to hear. I was disappointed but as I said I understand. I know we are not you extra hot cool and mega shoutcast partner but you act like we are some teeny 2weeks project...
Your acting is shit and doesn't deserve any better
I think you are a little bit to harsh on him.
at least he's trying.
My comments got more direct each time he replied
he never insulted you in any way, so i really don't see the need for the flames. -1
sarcasm is a way of flaming as well
Thank you for kind answer dear admin, its always nice to see professional acting in this sphere.
dear shoutcaster, I realy appreciate your reply, looking forward to see your attitude coming up sooner or later again anyway. If you consider shoutcasting one of our games, you might also keep my replies in mind before any team needs to pick a wildcard again.
Ok and sorry
some ppl got lives
hf Polandwiaderko <3

GL Aequita :))
hf impact
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