ESL Major Series Season IV

image: 79378Whilst the third season of the Europe ESL Major Series is still running we are proud to announce the fourth season. Over 150 teams and 1000 players took part in the last
season and battled out Europe Europe's best! Our competition expands again and this time
even more Crossfire Games are featured by it!

Yes ladies and gentlemen this time again Enemy Territory and Call of Duty 4 are
listed in the team disciplines. This is a little Thank You for the great Winter League and we hope for a continuing activity by our community:

The 14 games and their prizepurses:[/b]]Team Games:
  • Enemy Territory (6on6): €500
  • Call of Duty 4 (5on5): €3.000
  • Counter-Strike: Source (5on5): €3.000
  • Counter-Strike Female (5on5): €1.500
  • DotA (5on5): €1.500
  • Dawn of War 2 (Clanwar): €1.000
  • FIFA 09 (5on5): €1.750
  • Team Fortress 2 (6on6): €1.500
  • America's Army (4on4): €500
  • Day of Defeat: Source (6on6): €500
1on1 Games:
  • Quake 3: €750
  • StarCraft: Brood War: €750
  • PES 2009: €500
  • Trackmania: €500

The Enemy Territory tournament will consist of different stages of qualifiers and a final groupstage + playoffs. As for now we plan to host 4 national qualifiers (Germany , Czech Republic, Poland, Benelux) and 4 Europe Qualifiers to find the 16 teams for our groupstage (depends on signups). Just take a look on the following image. Any more detailed information on the system will be published in the next post!
(Click to enlarge)
image: etems4

The signups, mappool and other rules will be published soon. So stay tuned and check out the ESL Newspost!
Great work by the ESL ET admins ! <3

hf all
At the CPL , do u just add the score to the previous one or a new one week per week?
cool, ET doesn't have the least money per person, it's only tied for last spot :D
it sux that you have to play 20 matches to win it.
so far:
Qualifier: 4
Groupstage: 3
Final Stage: 4
=> 11 matches (without relegation/survival)
shame on quake3
nice, gl to teams!
Quote150 playes and 1000 teams

clanhoppers >:E
playes, not players O.o

Feel the little difference :>
was my typo :p
but still they did not clanhopp ofc ;>>
i read the same :D
Still waiting for our money from the previous edition though !
you dont deserve it Aleks.
waiting for my esl prem account ;€
I guess this will be more equel price shared.
Cause ET is with 6 players
And all the other games are with 5

Maybe Tosspot can have his influwence to get the bottum out of the can here.!

Enemy Territory (6on6): €1000

Call of Duty 4 (5on5): €2.750

Counter-Strike: Source (5on5): €2.750
actually this is the ESL and I doubt that TosspoT can have nor will have any influence on it :D
If you just knew.

Stuart is shoutcasting the Extreme Masters right this moment :)
I know that =) but I really doubt he makes ESL rise the pot for ET ;)
tosspot is just an external caster, he has nothing to do with the actual ESL :)
A person like Stuart has a big network where he can put influwence on... how do you think he can organize all does things... people help him and people are supporting him.. and the other way arround... so it doesn't mather if he is external its just that he can talk with the admins and give good arguments to raise the price money;)!

I think and i also have the trust in Tosspot if he wants to do it for him self and the community that he can work it out;)!
As the person most responsible for the EMS in the ESL, I can say there is little he can do, there are many, many factors that go into making the prize pool, stu begging would be a very small one :)
Or maybe you or any other ESL admin can do this proposel.... since the call of duty 4 scene for wat i have heard is on the low as wel... and i mean the counter strike team has always big money so a lose for the 250 euro is nothing.

I guess you as a admin from ESL on the ET side or maybe for more but i guess your love goes out to ET can make your self hard for this community!

Just my 2 sense!
need Americas Army team, pmme (60 honor or so!)
ET! or didn't happen Oo
Great game, but 60 honor is not that great :D
I know that, just mentioning that i have played it abit :p
seems you played every pc game on earth :o
is it any good?
Nice job

you can count Poland Authentic-Gaming in :)

why the hell go for a czech qualifier though?
I guess you won't play in Polish qualifiers.
I guess so too.
nice gl teams participatin
Over 150 players and 1000 teams ? What? 0,15 Players per team? Or did i get smth wrong?

anyway nice to read this :)
150 players and 1000 teams played at EMS Season 3 (CS:S, CoD4, DotA,... ) It has nothing to do with ET :)
Yea i just think eiM mixed it up, cause esl page says:
QuoteOver 150 teams and 1,000 players took part in eleven tournaments of the last ESL Major Series.
thx sherlock :)
nice job :-)
i think ET is a bit more active and popular than aa or dod:s so maybe it deserves more money, maybe 750€ :x
Czech qualifiers are pointless imo :<.
The Czechs have been quite active at the ESL in the past. There where more Czech teams than Finnish ones for example and if I remember right not even the Benelux scene had enough teams for a national qualifier; the Czechs had.
quantity over quality?
like bo said...
we offer each team the chance to get into the groupstage, not only proved high skilled teams....also the smaller and aspiring teams have a chance to get into the groupstage via a national qualifier which might be an easier way than the Europe qualifiers
if there will not be enough teams for a national qualifier, there wont be one. these are just predictions. if we get enough Finland teams, there will be a Finland national qualifier too.
guess you mean something else with the "Europe Europe's Best" then. So it's all about how many teams from one nation sign up?
Yes, playing ET and organizing cups is pointless, lets all prefer real pls
I had the same point as saKen but looks like admins have other view on this :)
I appreciate that organisations are still putting money into ET, but 500e for a 6man team is kind shit if you compare it to quake3 which is getting 750e for one person and which will probably get less signups.
nice move from the esl :D
Thanks ESL, keep it up.
good job
Nice to see this!
no coh what a shame grrr
no 1v1 et : (
Those 500 Euro are for Top3 btw (250/150/100) if someone didn't notice :-P
did we get the money already from last summer?
butchji stole it all! :(
if I am not mistaken it should arrive within the next 2 weeks if it didnt yet. We'r very sorry for all the delays though I think you can be sure to receive the money as the ESL gives out very much prizemoney every year. Just the time to be is the question in that particular season.

I hope this does not cut the signup numbers of this season as it is another chance for us to show how active and attractive the Enemy Territory scene is.
I hate giving estimates for when prize money will be sent out, but at the moment its planned to be sent out tomorrow, but will see :)
They are waiting over 6 months on their prizemoney? o0
ET could easily blow games like DoD:S, TF2 and AA out of the water, so I suggest every eligible ET team should try to participate.
True words.
ET underrated
waiting for the EMS Season 1 qualifier picture with big mac and stuff :D
Me and perfo were banned under the old cheating rules, which was a blanket 2 year ban on any kind of offence with any level of proof. Perfo's ban was even disproved and lifted by CB but ESL refused to budge.

Very soon after, the ban periods were reduced but not for existing bans.
qry me
Oh yeah, you're still banned :D:D:D When does it expire ? :DD
great job eiM. kisses
well done ESL
I don't get the part with the 2 x Direct Invite after the national qualifiers..
2 teams do not have to qualify, they are invited directly to the main round.
which 2 teams, will be announced soon
It won't go away. It's an Omen. Now!
are mostly splitted on activity @ ESL as you might understand. As soon as ET community will change its mind about playing ESL competitions this can change aswell ;)
actually there were. I must agree they lacked consequence and activity from time to time but we hade the last online tournaments with real prizepurses such as the IPS and last EMS (1000€). If the activity rises overall I'm sure we can pull out similar in the future.
eiM there will be only 16 et teams which means its like 10% of ET scene and your trying to get more ET teams to ESL?This smells like a fail.CZE has not good clans except iR, germany few but not very competitive and also Poland has k1ck so your giving a chance to some random clans which will fall out in groupstage
actually depending on the teams performences the final stage an consist out of 12 EU teams and only 4 nationals. All depens on their performences in the qualifiers which gives anyone a chance and only those the spot who proof their skill. Ofcourse its not a massive competition as the WL 6on6 but we can not pull off 2many events at the same time with our staff :)
looking forward to see 16 teams EST qualification...
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