Roll on QuakeCon...

After a very nervous wait for alot of QuakeCon regulars which has been filled with the fair bit of controvsery and worry, the final dates and location for the event have been annouced.
image: quakecon05
August 3rd to the 6th
Hosted at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas

Although this is good news for the BYOC crowd, there is still worry for any competitive team that is interested in going as the QuakeCon staff still havn't released the list of games that will be played at the event except for this lovely little piece of information

QuoteThe public’s first chance to play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

Now seeing as E3 already had a demo for ET:QW, it seems that QuakeCon will have a full playable version of the game, so if you want to get a sneak peak at what the game is like before it's released to the masses then go book your ticket!

Heres what Athrax said

QuoteWe know you all have been waiting to find out about QuakeCon 2006, and we want to thank you for your patience. We’ve had some unexpected issues locking in the dates and location, but don’t worry, we’re still bringing you another kick-ass QuakeCon event, and it’s already right around the corner - August 3 – 6 in Dallas, TX at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in their Trinity Exhibition Center.

With about 1,800 BYOC spots, QuakeCon 2006 will be a bit more exclusive than it has been the last couple of years, but we hope people will enjoy the more personal touch this year. QuakeCon 2006 will of course include all the great activities that it’s known for, including high-stakes tournaments, workshops, exhibitors, the BYOC Area, parties, and the public’s first chance to play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

First-come, first-served online registration for the BYOC area will kick off at 9 p.m. EST on Wednesday, June 28th, 2006, at

To read the full article click here
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