ESL CoD4 Spring League

[img=right]][/img]Now after four successful seasons in Spring, Summer, Autumn and still running Winter 2008 the League series continues this Spring! The league will be open for all teams.


To participate in the league requires the following:
- Every player needs to be registered on the ESL (see our getting started guide)
- Every player needs their CoD4 PB GUID registered
- Every player needs to join their team on ESL

The league restrictions:

Your team needs...
- Team Shorthandle
- Entered game account (type: COD4 PB GUID) with at least 5 team members
- A logo (180x180 pixels)
- At least one form of contact (IRC, ICQ, MSN, Skype, XFire)
That's all!

Spring League - Schedule

Sign up open:
- March 08th 2009
Sign up close:
- March 22nd 2009
Groups live:
- March 26th
First match week:
- March 30th-5th April
- By the end of May 2009

image: banner_Cod4_1

Key Facts

Unlimited number of teams - open sign ups
Multiple divisions based on skill
6 teams per group - Every team plays at least 5 matches
Double elimination playoffs for each division

Teamsize and gametype: 5on5 Search & Destroy
Modification: Promod 4 [which one exactly will be decided later] (/rcon promod_mode match_mr10)
Groupstage is played 1 map, full 20 rounds
Playoffs are played best of three maps, first to 13

Remember: Aequitas

[img|left]][/img]Of course this league will be also played with our own Anticheat tool Aequitas. With this tool we are able to detect forbidden binds and modifications and also watch screenshots which were made during the war. Another good option is that the files are unable to be faked because the tool streams directly to the website. All this features are public so not only admins can do this, but every user can check it himself.

If there are any questions the Call of Duty 4 admin team will answer them. Just write a support ticket.

In case you are interested in taking part, please check out the Spring League signup page.


If a team does not show up at the agreed matchdate (which is depending on the agreements either the scheduled date or the default date) this will result in a default win and 3 penalty points. After 2 noshows from one team, the team will be kicked and all played matches are deleted.

Aequitas has to be used in all matches. If Aequitas is not used in an match, this will result in 3 penalty points for the players which didn't use Aequitas and a defloss. Read more information on the usage of Aequitas in this rule. There is also explained what to do if Aequitas was not used during the match or if you found illegal bindings.

The Prizes

Spring League 2009
3 months ESL Premium
2 months ESL Premium
1 month ESL Premium

The final distribution will be based on the number of signups


Your Admin Team wish all participating teams much fun and good luck.

News on ESL.Europe
Sign up
sounds neat :)
o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,...
it was okey
o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,...
need team then
winter league hasn't got to playoff stages yet :X
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