Luger Frag Episode 5 - The RTCW2 Wish List!

image: lugerfrag
Luger Frag goes on air for a fifth episode this weekend, which will see Germany FlyingDJ and Netherlands stewie on the microphones to bring you a very special episode.

Why is it so special? Well, just look at what we have for you:

News of the week

World cup fever everywhere, but ET has a lot of things to offer as well. Not only did we witness a thrilling EC semi final this week, we as well saw the Bot Anna become immensely popular. A legend came back and the map issue was raised again. So tune in when we have a look at all the things that happened last week.

Map test: townsquare_final

A small town and a lot of gold to be stolen. Sounds familiar? Well, it looks a lot like goldrush. Let's have a look if it is as good when it comes to playing it competitively.
As usual, the Luger Frag server will be there so you can test the map yourself.


The "RTCW2" Wish List

The next part of the Wolfenstein series has been announced, but what should be changed or added to make it a worthwile gaming experience?
While this topic might be debated countless times without having any effect on the game at all, Luger Frag decided it will not leave all the suggestions unheard. Therefore the edited recording and all the comments/suggestions/e-mails we receive will be forwarded to id software.
So how can you contribute? There are several ways. The first and most exciting one is of course to call in with Sykpe to state what you think on air. When we ask you to, just call "flyingdj" to participate in that way.
The second way would be to send an e-mail to flyingdj @ gmx dot net, where you can mail your suggestions and we can refer to them on air. Please state your real name and your age when you send an e-mail so that it has a bit more credibility.
Third and final way is to write comments in that news post. Be sure to state exactly what things you think are necessary and try to include your name and age as well. These comments, if they're reasonable, will be included in the e-mail to id as well.

Some questions that might help you come up with something:

Should it be more or less tweakable than ET/RTCW?
More or less classes, different classes?
What kind of objectives should be possible?
Number of players?
What about the spectator features?

Luger Frag will air on Inside The Game tonight at exactly 19 CET, tune in @

For discussions, PMs and IPs join #lugerfrag
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