ESL GrandFinals tonight

image: wl_match_8

Many will still remember the first grand final of the ESL Winter League '08 which took place just 2 days ago.

Netherlands H2k, coming from the winner bracket, saved the first two points for their side in a stunning 3seconds-left-run on Würzburg Radar!
Though the match was not yet over. Finland MASCULINE MANS, aware of the fact they need to win four of the next 5 maps to place first, faced the facts and turned the game upside down. For now they kicked Netherlands H2k from their Winter League throne on which they sat from the very beginning.

If you want to see each teams Road to the Grandfinal again head over to the previous Newspost.

The second Grandfinal of the ESL Winter League Premier division will take place tonight at 21:00 CET.
Get yourself a place on one of the ETTV's and tune in at matchtime!

image: game10166


QuoteI think tonights outcome of the match somehow depends on our lineup. I hope we learned from some mistakes we made during the last match and I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a 4-2 result. Not sure for which team though.

QuoteIt will be easy bash for us. We already bashed them in first final game. We are full of confidence and we wont do any mistakes! We will do anything to take the victory. We simply have the best players in the world.


Quote H2k vs MM. In my honest opinion, H2K will do whatever it takes to not fail again. MM will probably also do their best, but most likely be thinking "H2K is beatable, we'll do it again" which might break their neck. If butchji & gifty will play and if weak will have a good day, H2k will take this one. otherwise it can go either way! gL bsti,dm,tbs

QuoteI am rly looking forward to this match because these teams are really strong... H2K have many stars and aimers in their team like butchji, dialer and gifty as rifle but masculine mans have played very good. I think H2k will take it 4:2. (0:2,2:2,4:2)

Finish testosterone VS central europe best marksman.
An uprising force VS a constant of ET.
MM vs H2k.

So you see we have two big ET-Team there out on the battlefield both of them showed us, that they worth it so stand there in the overall final at ESL-Prem and they allready showed us, they can beat each other. The last war was a 4-2 for MM, but H2k wouldn't let them win it like this, eventhough MM comes from the loserbraket.
At least i bet it will be exciting game for players and viewers, with a minimum of 3 maps.

ESL 3on3 Winter League Division 2 Final:

Though lady and gentlemen this is not the only final which we are able to bring to your screens tonight. Our 2nd division in the 3on3 format has come to the final round aswell. Get your hands on this one at 21:00 CET:

image: game10155

gl both sides, "should be close"
if mm wins first map they will take it 4-0
if not 4-2 h2k
whats this based on?
lol he knew it
chmpp will take this
you gotta be kidding
H2k=butchji +5 others
4-2 for mm
hope for some great maps!
it was 5 seconds, not 3
Gl H2K! You should do it guys! Just don't play goldrush^^
4-2 for mm
u seriously think some1 will watch this instead of champions league?
not every1 is a soccernerd, also the teams are free to schedule their games
What the hell is that
you seriously think people will watch some mongol sport where some idiot kicks the ball every time he gets close to it and repeats it over and over again for 90min?
and watch a game thats being same for years full of hackers and nearly dead?
says the guys who is hyping rtcw everytime although it dies in 2003-2004 when skilled teams like infensus or left the scene.
oh and i don't think you played vs many cheaters in ET because you were low+ max (ye i played you when u were playing for "the one") .
a low+ skiller too (inactive since 2 weeks moreover) but that's not the point , u just need to realize that we know that ET is not very alive but we still haven fun playing it for most of the people and this is the goal of a game no more no less .
and btw a lot of oldschool rtcw players enjoy ET :p, and are playing it (sight xpaz weak jauhis (back-up for impact tho),fra,maxuh,night etc ) .
lol i remind u, when i played OC i hadnt touch et for almost 6 months and we NEVER did a single practise before offis and i was skilled like u that played so much? lol thx guess if i would do some practise

and btw rtcw players play et only for prizes and cups
i was back-up in starzz team (my team between 2007 and march 2009) so i never played that much .Anyway, im off , Bibuy and have fun on others games .
chmpp and his statement -> priceless :D!
h2k 4-2 MM

gogo nellie!
first one to say this (remember u heard it from me first!)

h2k 4-0
No smokeninja no win
tnx evo!!!!
nice statement chmpp! Optimistic! gl mm
abort will pown this shit.
wont be a three map thriller, 4-0 to MM/H2K
fims who?
xDD hi mr.
xD i remember some at cc5 coming to me and ask me for a statement too ;)
Why do they have to play that final twice ? MM came from lb and won against the winner from wb so why do they have to play a second match ?
Double Elimination = each team must lose twice before they're out
Thank you ! :o)
I CAN SAY that samples 2man granade @ barrier was ratkaisu
i bet on h2k this time.4-2 for them
haven't pracced in 5 weeks. 2 recent lineup changes. half of the team lagging. will lose for sure.
so this match will end 4-4?
2-2 *

4-0 + 2-4 = 6-4
8-6 - 6-4 = 2-2
You forgot one 4:0 for H2k at this cup. :->
guess so :(
purefragging 4-0 system 6

thiswill be your comeback?
ET needs you!
ET needs you!
ET needs you!
ET has never needed you!
unlike your mother!
gtfo noone wants you
i know my bois ..
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