OC Premier Semi Final - iGods vs. aD

It’s the UEFA Cup of Enemy Territory – tier two of competitive gaming. These guys may not have the likes of feruS or Night propping up their rosters, but make no mistake they’re capable of dishing out a spawnkill or two.

Tonight GamesTV and ClanBase bring you the second semi final of this seasons OpenCup, the winner will face Poland Warriors of Wolfenstein in the final.

It’s Estonia insta-Gods versus Europe angelDust, Estonia versus the world (again).

insta-Gods 0 4 angelDust

Time: 20:30 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org (800 slots)
Maps: Tba
GBooky Odds: 1.60 vs. 2.66
Shoutcast: FlyingDJ

Read on for line-ups, a word from the players and a short prediction from yours truly.

Looking at the respective results, only a fool would bet against iGods. They’re currently undefeated, having already knocked out such household names as insanity!, Logitech UVM and sFx muse. With that in mind I can’t see anything but a 4 0 victory for the Estonians - ET’s in their blood.


[*] Finland zta
[*] Finland Sanda
[*] Finland Spirea
[*] Malta toxic
[*] Netherlands mize
[*] Netherlands joop


[*] Estonia scorpion
[*] Estonia nitro
[*] Estonia pela
[*] Estonia razor
[*] Estonia ince
[*] Estonia dRaakon

But what can we expect? Members from each team faced up against match reporter Ov3drive, this is what they had to say:

aD toxic:
QuoteWell as I guess everyone knows now aD sorta died/went inactive in the past weeks. As some of us have other plans for the next season. We are going to finish the OC season and then some of us will go seperate ways. But from what i heard zta is preparing a new lineup so GL for him. As for Lineup changes theres has just been 1 where mize replaced Propson taking advantage of the fact that he was on the allowed player list :P

iGods spela:
QuoteWe know that aD is a very strong team, but we havent made any special preparations. Just some regular pracs. We have made some lineup changes also, because razor has overcame his irl probs and is ready to own! Things have gone pretty well lately: we were able to beat sFx muse with a backup member, and our lineup is as strong as it can be atm. I'd say our star players are dRaakon and razor, they have the biggest egos.

The Crossfire crew will be inviting the winner of the ClanBase OpenCup Premier Division to compete in the Crossfire KOTH.


Match report by Belgium Ov3rdrive

Angeldust convincingly won over Insta Gods. Although both clans played on a high level, Angeldust showed themselves to be the stronger team tonight with toxic playing a superb game.

First map: Battery

Round 1
Igods started off with a pretty standard tactic, spawning lots of guys at the side. With no mines at the CP Igods knew it just needed enough firepower and teamplay to get trough and with some help of a nice as a sniper the CP area was cleared. Angeldust respawned three people at CP but its wasn’t enough to stop the raging Igods offence. The CP was blown and the side planted soon after. In the meantime the allies got themselves a suit and sneaked inside. In a chaotic firefight scorpion is the last man standing and waits for they dynamite to blow while he keeps off the incoming reinforcements.

With four people waiting at the back, Igods sent in two people to capture the west bunker. The Angeldust defence shattered, the allied team easily captured the bunker. In the meantime 4 allies succeed in pushing trough to the gun controls taking out all opposition they come across. At the gun controls the axis could finally stop the bold Igods assault taking down an unlucky Scorpion quickly followed by the rest of his teammates.

Realizing their side assault has failed, the allies all respawned at the bunker for their next attack. Angeldust takes a rather unorthodox defence: instead of setting up a spawn defence, they spread out their team throughout the axis base. The Igods offence kills out the whole axis team, allowing them to plant. Angeldust respawns and quickly retake control of the gun control area allowing Sanda to defuse. Although igods have the teamplay and the frags to push trough the axis defence several times, in the end they always get stopped at the gun controls. After several more attempts of the allies to get trough the clock reaches 30 seconds. No time set.

Round 2
Angeldust started by pushing their engineers main, covered by a panzerfaust and a covert at side. The assault ramp gets constructed several times but everytime the allies get attacked by axis coming down from CP. Igods had total control over the map at this point. aD kept on pushing the main with all they got but after getting backraped one time to many, they decided to change plans and assault the command post.

The allied respawned at side knowing Igods only had two players defending the bunker, next spawntime 30 seconds away. The CP defence slowed down the advancing Angeldust players and pela took down three with his rifle before biting the dust. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough. Angeldust quickly moved forward, planted side and wiped out two respawning axis at the command post. With the dynamite red and waiting to blow, angeldust built the assault ramp and attacked the West Bunker. iGods had their attention focused on the west bunker whilst an engineer defused the back, fails to stop toxic. He sneaks in from the back and makes a bug plant. After toxic takes down the engineer coming from the back he gets killed and the gun control room is clear. But too much time has been lost and Angeldust sets a time of 4:28.

aD win by 2 to 0

Second map: sw_goldrush_te

Round 1
Angeldust began their offence with a one man mortarkill from toxic on scorpion. In the meantime three people attacked the main gate and two more the side. Igods having spawned one guy at the courtyard where quickly overpowered. With the igods defense down to one fieldops and 7 seconds remaining till the respawn Angeldust got the tank repaired, in under a minute. Angeldust knew they needed to keep control of the map and quickly pushed forward to the axis respawn, setting up the spawnkill. The axis fell back and set up positions on the courtyard, while the allies moved the tank and built CP. With the tank in position Igods respawned 5 guys leaving only pela at the old MG. The axis all out of position tried to keep a hold of the game, but with some great pistol action Spirea cleared out the bank and stole the gold.

Next toxic spawnraped 4 Igod players as they tried to return the gold. With the courtyard all clear, zta only had to walk the gold to the undefended truck. But out came Scorpion hidden at the truck. He raped zta and returned the gold. Immediately the allies retook the gold and again a support fire from toxic brought down massive ownage from the sky as it took down 4 axis players, effectively ending the game. Allies secured the objective and brought home the gold in a time of 6 minutes.

Round 2
With time against them Igods knew they needed to get the tank fast and indeed they did. After a first unsuccessful attack at main, a second attempt got through and with 5:18 on the clock the tank was moving. Igods pushed forward quickly but an axis engineer still succeeded in building the Command Post. Angeldust spammed the tank taking away valuable time from the allied team who had to rebuild it 3 times. With 3 axis respawning and the MG area rather undefended Igods made a gamble and decided to push to the bank without having built the cp. The weakened allied offence got taken down easily by a freshly spawned axis defence. Having time, a truckbarrier and a firm axis defense against them Igods gave up on the game and GG's were exchanged.

aD win by 2 to 0


It was a great game to watch, especially Battery. Instead of endless spamming, we got to see some really nice teamplay and great smg fights. Igods seemed to be having a bad day as their first Battery attack seemed really promising. In the end Angeldust proved they were the better team and worthy of going trough to the finals.
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