Saying goodbye to lunachick!

Sadly we are saying goodbye to our beloved ET admin lunachick. She has done amazing work on Clanbase ET Crew and always put in her best. Her great spirit and cheerful attitude touched many of us. I dedicate this news to her. It includes interviews with lunachick and couple people who’s roads crossed with hers. So lets get started!

Interview with lunachick

ToxicGirl: Hello lunachick please tell us something about yourself.
Hi! I am lunachick, I’m 17 and I’m still in highschool. Everything is going well and smooth, but now it’s time to say goodbye to ClanBase.

TG: What were you expecting from being a part of it?
[/i] Well being a SummerCup supervisor means that you’re not part of CB. So when I joined the crew in the Fall I knew what I was supposed to do, and I had many good teachers as well. It was a bit different than I expected though, sometimes I had to ask for things a thousand times before they were done, which is where I thought that I wouldn’t let that happen to other people :P

TG: How do you feel about it now?
[/i] It was a great experience and I learned a lot as in handling situations. Sometimes you have those loserish clans who do nothing but whine while you’re explaining them that a rule is a rule, and when you know the rules, you can handle a situation. Also it’s nice to have positive feedback, some decisions have been hard and it’s nice to get a few positive comments back.

TG: What were the Cups that you were supervising?
[/i] I supervised the SummerCup 2005, FallCup, NationsCup, EuroCup IX. Don’t forget though that the ET Crew is all about collaboration so basically, every crew member has supervised every cup, we do everything together.

TG: What was the best moment while being a part of a Crew?
[/i] Best moment... That must have been the EC final. That’s one of the biggest moments for a lot of people I think. But the best moment of being part of the crew is when AK asked me to marry him!

TG: Why are you leaving ClanBase?
[/i] I’m leaving ClanBase because I have been inactive for about 2/3 months now. There is a rule about inactivity, unofficially I have left like three times already, so now it was time to end it for real and give other people a chance. Who knows I’ll be a cupadmin or even get back, or maybe I’ll even shoutcast matches again, but for now I’m gonna focus on school, holiday, and AK.

TG: So what about Angrykid *gentle poke* ?? :)
[/i] I just love him.

TG: If you could be an animal you would be..
[/i] A leopard, I wanna know how it feels to run 150 miles an hour.

TG: What is the word that best describes you?
[/i] Lovely. Many will disagree but that’s only because I spoke to them when I was on the job :P

TG: Any question that you would want to be asked?
[/i] The question is, when are you gonna get married and who are you gonna invite from the online gaming community?

TG: Ok then! When are you gonna get married and who are you gonna invite from the online gaming community? :)
[/i] Definitely you, if I start mentioning names now I’ll get many rows from AK but on my list for sure would be you, Thally, Donny, Wing, the iStar clan and some other CB crew members. Maybe even NightRaver...

TG: And when are you going to get married?
[/i] We don’t know yet :P

TG: Anything else you want to say? Now it’s time for it :)
[/i] Big thanks to Cash, Donny, Thally, NR, Idlecore, you, and of course AK for a great year in online gaming. Also thanks to iStar for the best fun in matches, and the ned clan(ladies)as well. FlyingDJ for getting me on the move with shoutcasting. And AK for always being there for me.

TG: I want to congratulate and thank you for the amazing work you did for the ET community. I think nobody will mind me to say that we will all Miss You around! Best luck with your real life and lots of love!


Adacore - ClanBase ET Crew

Do you remember any moment while working with lunachick that it’s hard to forget?
Well - I remember loads of times. The first I can recall was when she very first joined the team as a first-time OpenCup admin (when I’d been adminning for over a year), she sent me some PMs asking for help and advice, which was flattering and, thinking back, showed just how dedicated she was. I answered them, of course, and at the time thought of her as something of a protege - of course her passion and commitment shone through and she shot up through the system, becoming a supervisor within 6 months.
Apart from that, I remember playing with her in the short-lived ET Admins team (great fun) and the CB Supervisors team more recently, as well as the conversations we had in the early morning (after she got up and before I went to sleep).

What is the word that will describe her best?
Any superlative would work, but I think just to be me I’ll say effervescent.

If lunachick was an animal she would be..
That one’s tough - it means putting her into a box, which isn’t really Luna. So I think I’ll go for something mythical - a Pegasus.

Why? :)
[/i] It’s a symbol of kindness, happiness and a high-flying imagination, which fits (ignoring the fact that in strict mythology it’s a male greek god) :)

Do you envy Angykid? :D
Who wouldn’t - he’s got himself one hell of a woman!

What will you miss the most about her?
Her bubbly attitude and common sense.

Anything else that you would want to say to her as the part of goodbye?
Just the usual - it’s been an absolute pleasure working with you Luna (did I mention I’m really bad at this sort of thing).

doneX - ClanBase ET Crew

Do you remember any moment while working with lunachick that it’s hard to forget?
She has done a fantastic work as ET crew and I think all the moments were more or less special.

What is the word that will describe her best?
Leadership and charisma.

If lunachick was an animal she would be..
[/i] Hmm, I would say a falcon. Powerful predator bird but at the same time a really beautiful one.

Do you envy Angykid? :D
Well no doubt he is a lucky man and I wish him my best but I love my girl :)

What will you miss the most about her?
[/i] I would say her initiative to make special the daily work and, of course, her lovely voice casting ET matches.

Anything else that you would want to say to her as the part of goodbye?
[/i] Well, I still hope having her with us, if not as crew member as advisor, and of course as friend. So for me it will be a “See you later” more than a goodbye.

FlyingDj - Shoutcaster

Do you remember any moment while working with lunachick that it’s hard to forget?
[/i] It’s hard to point out a particular moment, but I’d say the time where she started shoutcasting is pretty unforgettable, how enthusiastic she was and how much dedication she showed.

What is the word that will describe her best?
[/i] Definitely “jaunty”. She’s such a nice and folksy person that I can’t imagine how anyone could not like her. I think this is what people enjoyed about her when she was working for CB.

If lunachick was an animal she would be..
[/i] That’s a hard one. Uhm...a bunny.

Why? :)
[/i] Because they’re small and cuddly but they also speak their mind, means you can’t really push them around like dogs. That’s what luna is like. With the “cuddly” in a metaphorical way, I have never really cuddled with her ;-)

Do you envy Angykid? :D
[/i] Angrykid? I envy luna because she stole him from me.

What will you miss the most about her?
[/i] The way she tried to bring reason into heated discussion, her warm and friendly attitude towards everyone, even if the one was a total git. And the cute voice on the shoutcast ;-) And the hot s...wait, is Angrykid going to read this?

Anything else that you would want to say to her as the part of goodbye?
[/i] I want to wish her and AK the best of luck, I’m sure they’re never going to leave each other, and they should be sure I receive an invitation so I can shoutcast the wedding!

Cash - ClanBase & GGL Crew

Do you remember any moment while working with lunachick that it’s hard to forget?
One thing I surely remember is the food=good comment. Luna, for some reason, was either always eating or pretending to have diner all night long so ET players wouldn’t pm her. I never figured out what the real reason was, but she wore the nickname Luna`food A LOT.

I remember her quote on day: “Food=good”

The one thing that really defined her during those years is that I have never seen her be stressed out by any situation. For a 16-year-old girl that is pretty damn impressive; especially handling all the pressure coming with being a supervisor. She was always good-minded and always stood her ground in the crew and outside of that.

What is the word that will describe her best?
I have tried to find the perfect word for her, but too many words come to mind. However, my mind seems to have settled with “lunachick”.
Luna is luna and that is the only word that embraces everything she is. She has been a great team player to work with in the crew.
Never ever I have doubted her decisions and abilities, but the best part was that the trust she gained by the others, she gave back in return. Many in the community contribute a lot of the improvements to Angrykid and myself, but it is far from the truth. When you have supervisors as her, which you know will do a great job, it is another worry gone. It made my job as game-supervisor a whole lot easier.

If lunachick was an animal she would be..
A rabbit. I do not know why, but it was the first animal that came to my mind. It might have to do with AK though, but I think it is safer for me to refrain from elaboration on that. :)

Do you envy Angykid? :D
If you mean towards lunachick; no. They are a great pair. E-love is a hard thing to kick off but looking at the stability luna brought to AK and the relationship itself, this must be a genuine thing.
They are made for each other. But then again, who wouldn’t want such a great person in his life (disregarding the age issue :P)
It would be damn awesome if we see, some little Wolfplayers come out of this relationship in the next decade. No rush though guys! ^^

What will you miss the most about her?
I have left the crew almost a year ago, and I keep missing the feeling of running cups and creating kick ass coverage for ET.
Being in that crew was just awesome; and luna was one of the pillars of that pod.

Anything else that you would want to say to her as the part of goodbye?
Luna, take care! Moreover, take care of Angrkid ;)

TosspoT - iTG Shoutcaster

What is the word that will describe her best?
Effervestant - Meaning bubbly and thats the only word to describe her.

Why? :)
Well simply because she IS always bubbling, alive ready to go. She personifies happiness.

If lunachick was an animal she would be..
A puppy because she can bite AK with bigger teeth yet still be cute, and a cat because she can shit on AK’s garden yet still be cute.

Do you envy Angykid? :D
I think the better question is do I envy Luna, you see its widely known that she stole AK away from me, and so the answer is yes, envy...but always ready to avenge the theft!

Anything else that you would want to say to her as the part of goodbye?
To say good bye! DONT CHANGE

Angrykid - ClanBase ET Crew

Do you remember any moment while working with lunachick that it’s hard to forget?
[/i] We had just started to run the SummerCup together last year. We had a small disagreement about some guide she wrote which kind of put the rift between us. However, when she went away on holiday that summer I missed her online presence which is when I suppose I started to feel “that way” about her.

What is the word that will describe her best?
[/i] I’d probably say playful.

If lunachick was an animal she would be..
[/i] If she was an animal luna would certainly be a puppy. Sometimes you want to squeeze her because she looks so sweet but other times she irritates you by pissing on the sofa. (That’s just a metaphor!!)

Why? :)
Whatever animal I’d choose it would have to be one with a lot of personality but incredibly loyal at the time. While it may not sound as flattering; that’s why I’d say she was a dog. (she will murder me)

Do you think people envy you? :D
[/i] I personally think the only ones that envy are the ones that haven’t experienced for themselves. Yeah, Im a lucky guy to be waking up next to her every morning and yeah; she makes the best damn Lasagne this side of Italy but I think love should be envied; not the people who have it. It’s out there!

What will you miss the most about her in the Crew?
Without luna constantly in the crew channel, Nightraver will probably end up a much more confident guy! Thats a joke. She’s been a part of the ET family for the best part of a year and I think you get used to having certain personalities around. I guess the question really is “What will the other guys miss most about her?” because I still got her! :p

Anything else that you would want to say to her as the part of goodbye?
lunachick (with a very important lowecase L) was always the first person people went to on IRC because they knew she would be the sympathetic one who would give individual care. She was the supervisor who didn’t mind doing the crappy jobs because she was always happy to help out; even at the peak of her “CB career”. I guess the most important thing for me to say as a CB crew member is good luck and that we are so incredibly sad to see you leave. However as a future husband I’d like to take a moment to rub it in everyone’s faces I now get more of her free time. Good luck sweetheart.
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