Wolfenstein shipping as beta?

After today's early morning news, things were not looking good for Wolfenstein. Something just didn't sound right. However, today image: us Peter Sokal replied to Kendle's thread at Wolfenstein-Zone.com regarding "Wolf retail = Wolf beta".

Quote by KendleI wonder whether Sokal would like to comment on this :-


It basically shows the final retail version is the exact same build as the version that was leaked. Far from the leak being a beta, or even a recent but not final build of the retail game, the leaked copy is the retail game, exactly as we're going to get it.

If that's the case my pre-order is cancelled as well. Not because I don't like the game but simply because it runs like a dog on my PC (even tho ET:QW ran perfectly OK).

I'd assumed the leak was an un-optimised console -> PC port, seeing as it has console like controls, jerky movement, mouse lag, and basically doesn't give the impression of being a finished game.

It seems image: us Peter Sokal has actually confirmed the retail version is the same as the beta (or leaked build), and a patch will be released tomorrow upgrading the shipped game to the retail version.

Quote by SokalStores are not supposed to be selling Wolfenstein until August 18th, which is when we are implementing a Day One patch that will update the game client to the retail version.

After following image: uk Endrant's employees on twitter, it seems they were extremely pushed for time. We can therefore assume image: uk Endrant have been working on Wolfenstein since 22nd July to meet the standard expected from the Wolfenstein fans (hopefully).
Thanks for brinning the good news back at first!

let's hope
always nice to read new news
Now we can start bashing Wolf all over again.
promod makes it good
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