Wolfenstein first patch and feedback

Wolfenstein recieved a release date patch which many of you may have installed already, it includes a few improvements on the build which shipped in the retail versions.

For those of you who are yet to install it a list of mirrors can be found on the official Wolfenstein forums

Sokal is also encouraging anyone who is dissapointed with the MP in the game to post their suggestions for future patches in this thread

Read on for the change log from the 1.1 patch
  • Fixed issue causing the Healing icon to remain after dying.
  • Sprint functionality has been modified so user can sprint longer, but has longer duration before being able to sprint again (pm_Stamina changed from 5 to 10, pm_StaminaThreshold changed from 1 to 5)
  • Quick voice chat can be binded to keys via the console (the new binds are _needEngineer, _needMedic, _needSoldier, _needHealth, _needAmmo)
  • Control options now feature separate binds for Use (resurrect, objectives) and Item (Ammo, Health, Satchel)
  • Reduced how far packs are thrown
  • Reduced how far grenades are thrown
  • Added ability to change cross hair appearance through the menu
  • Global chat now disables properly if disabled through the Server Launcher.
  • Fixed bug causing the grenade ammo indicator to reflect having one more grenade in your inventory.
  • Audio countdown has been readjusted
  • MP43 melee attack speed has been slightly decreased
  • Fixed issue causing the crouch icon to remain after dying
epic shit

it took them 1 month to come up with these important fixes

great job endrant
and most of the fixes are either broken (stamina is broken with new patch) or break one of the few aspects of the game which were actually good: nades. Plz, they were fine, maybe a bit too much speed, but 1.1 nades are teh ghey.
I didn't like the original nades, too much like CoD4. For example as soon as you spawned you could throw grenades into the other spawn, and I hated that in CoD4. SP nades are good, like a totally different game.
well, if they disabled cooking it would be ok. its either cooking or ET style nades :p
If they released a public beta these bugs could have been fixed way before the release date :/ Perhaps too pushed for time.
if a game needs a patch so close after release, it must be a shit game :c

hm but wolfpro is not tbh
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