PBBans Closes *UPDATE*

image: pbbansclose

After several years of providing anti-cheat support & banlists for several popular Punkbuster supported games, PBBans has called it quits. This comes on the heels of a recent denial of service attack on their site. Details are sketchy at this time as no official announcement has been made however the topic for their IRC channel states " PBBans 2003-2009 Farewell All--It has been a great ride!" Also after being asked how much money would fix it a top admin simply said " it's not just money anymore it's lack of time and willingness"

The loss of PBBans Master Player Index coupled with the recent loss of Yawn will make player tracking in ET increasingly difficult. Whether your a fan of PunkBuster or not this is truly a sad day for anticheat as PBBans provided a top notch service & will be missed by those who made use of it.


Over the last month PBBans has been hit with a number of DDoS attacks and we have been able to overcome them. On Aug 18, 2009 a massive DDoS attack hit our web server and could not be prevented with the counter-measures we previously employed. Our host will not do anything to block the attacks and even suggested that we turn our servers off.

After this occurred we decided to close our doors. There are many reasons behind this such as a higher cost for hosting, the lack of a new host that can provide the protection we require and finally the toll PBBans has played on our real lives.

After thinking about it overnight and the overwhelming messages from supporters who pleaded us not to close, we have decided to continue. We have found a new host that will provide the protection we require however it comes at a higher cost. Also the cost of shipping our servers is not a small one.

We need your help to keep us to keep PBBans online. Please donate using the button below.

We thank all our supporters for sticking with us and provided some much needed motivation needed to keep PBBans alive.
have you actually been to www.pbbans.com?
they are moving, not closing
Yep, they changed their mind about closing.
Hence the *UPDATE*
raped by adawolf
Yawn will be back within weeks if everything goes well.
yeah and it's fake pbguid spoofing and fake red yawns aswell
Fake pbguid spoofing eh, no problems there then.
can gtfo again, if i dont get my yellow triangle
yeah no more Chief Inspector Hubbard... sorry thought name was pretty retarded
Irelandsol is responsible for such acts :(
whats the use of pb now without yawn or pbbans?
if pbbans would close its doors, then nothing :]
thank god for the update :)
you might want to add the donation button
Maybe you'd like to donate?
I never really liked pbbans, but 5$ sent!
Quote by PBBans-fozzerPBBans will be moving its servers to NYC, so we are not dead just yet :)
The current hoster (calpop) were offering no viable support, so we are moving, lock stock and barrel to a hoster that is prepared to go that extra mile for its customers.
More details will follow but thats the situation in a nutshell.
The move is expected to take several days to complete, so sit tight and hold on.
I would expect at least a temp.website to appear soon to keep everyone informed of the exact status, but the bottom line is .......... PBBans will be back.

so it was just a ridilicious rumour?
Well not sure tbh
perhaps nC just hacked pbbans, said in name of another supermember of pbbans that they'll close the doors and shut the page down, but in reality they're just moving?

could be a good suggestion :)
Whats a DDoS attack?
DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer(s) to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its intended service or obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.

in geek terms afaik; an example would be lots of pinging (flooding) from different sources...
is it possible that he did that?
Basically someone programs loads of bots to go onto a site and it makes the site unavaliable to connect to and crash
cheaters always win :D or not
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