Wolfenstein Gathers!

image: launch_bnr

As always, when a new game comes out, there is a gather community to follow. Wolfenstein is no exception to this rule, and thus a gather community is born!

#Wolfenstein.Gather currently has over 200 (and counting) users, frequent gather matches, 3 private servers, 2 public servers, sponsorship from well-known companies & a ventrilo 3.0 100 slot server for all to use.

Becoming involved could really not be any easier! For those of you who already use IRC, just add #Wolfenstein.Gather to your perform list / channel favourites. For those of you who don't have IRC, you can use a simple web-based client such as this one.

The basic commands:
  • !add - This will add you to the list of players
  • !remove - This will remove you from the list of players
  • !vent - This will display the ventrilo information
  • !stats - This will show you how many gather have taken place so far
  • !last - This will show when the last gather started
Our sponsors:

EU Shells - provided the shell on which the bot is running
GameServers.com - provided the 1st gather server & public
Team Dignitas & Multiplay - provided the 2nd gather server& 2nd public
YCN Hosting - provided the 3rd gather server & 100 slot Ventrilo 3.0 server
image: spons_bnc

We have just opened our forums, still alot of work to be doing but nice to get the community in at an early date. Feel free to register at there. The actual website will be online soon, and expect some other news.

Thanks for reading!

tl;dr: /join #wolfenstein.gather on quakenet

Public SW Server: connect (NL)
Public Objective Server: (NL) - www.team-dignitas.org
Website online sooon!
Watch this space for further news.
Amazing, Honey! As usual <3
Sorry for replying on top post but just wanted to say:

Servers are now running WolfPro Open Beta mod!
n1 Seanie boooy!
n1 sneeza da geazza. :D
might wanna add ventrilo to the "a 100 slot server for all to use" in the 2nd paragraph, though 50v50 could be kinda phun
Good Job! I have finally fixed my lags and have about 60 ping muahahaha!
Awesome, play tomorrow?
That message was old my lags came back I have re installed the game will try tonight after the cinema
no :D

guess why?:D

because the game is shit


gather for what now
nice service :)
for this shit game this support? cant be!
good fun
Great place for mixes for a great game (no its not ET#2 but who gives a fuck). Cu there!
been there done that :)
good job
rather revive #et.gather
Very good job! +1
lol nice :)
won´t happen
well it is so...
gd work Seanzy
gl, shame about the game doh :[
The game is dead already but good luck with this failboat.
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