ESL Wire 1.0

ESL has released a new tool free to download! ESL Wire is an instant messenger as well as a tool that simplifies playing on the ESL and combines a lot of very helpful functions. This includes Matchmedia Upload, a Screenshot Tool, integrated Aequitas, Buddy-, Lobby- and Teamchat as well as virtual LANs and Video Broadcasting.

Nearly two years have been spent in developing this program including a long orientation phase that went through what should & should not be included in Wire. Since the first version of the Open Beta last year a lot has happened. While a lot of users were lacking reasons to use Wire, now we already have many more users regularly using Wire. More than 10,000 users online per day and over 20% of all matchmedia being uploaded with Wire tells a story of real success.
image: eslwire
• ESL Wire Features[/b]]
  • Matchmedia Upload
    Automated upload for screenshots & replays
  • Screenshot Tool
    For all games without screenshot functionality
  • Integrated Aequitas
    Never forget to start aequitas again
  • Buddy-, Lobby- und Teamchat
    Chat with your buddies or opponents
  • Virtual LAN
    Online gaming as easy as playing in a LAN
  • Video Broadcasting
    Video streaming live from your PC

What is ESL Wire?

image: wire1_news_games
The purpose ESL Wire is to do everything that the homepage cannot. This of course means that Wire is not the whole homepage in the form of a program. Wire can for example show your open matches and let you start your game for a match. When using Wire to take screenshots once your match has ended you can upload matchmedia straight away using the matchmedia upload tool. If your match requires Aequitas it will be started for you and included in the matchmedia upload. Wire is also able to create virtual networks to guarantee a better quality of the connection. With Wire you can also have your own video broadcast so your friends can watch you live while your playing. Last but not least course you are able to chat with your ESL Buddies, even if you are not logged in at the homepage.

At the same time as we release the first official version of ESL Wire we also build a great basis for a lot of following ideas we want to implement in Wire in the following months - everything with the aim to make playing at the ESL as comfortable as it possibly can be for you. Less to worry about, just play!

Download 32 bit version
Download 64 bit version
ESL Wire Dev team
Well at least its not GGL Wire :)
read the date of the source...... Hanfi, Today, 25/08/09 05:00
esl wire is quite old, yes. but it was always a beta. at gamescom esl/turtle announced to publish version 1.0 this week and as you can see at the original news, you can download it from today on.

btw: it is a really nice tool if you play a lot at esl. you can save much time for everything around the matches - time you can invest to play even more at esl :P
one pic is broken
not sure why it was doing that in IE. Moved the image & seems to work now
It's a nice Program.
Finally fixed..
I hope ESL Wire will be used because the ESL is a very big community which is fantastic to find other good players and now you can chat with them until you're fingers are bleeding :D!

Add me on ESL:
Happy chatting!
useless ?
Join lobby
where is pokemon? omg -.-
no one will use it i guess, dunno.
and where is the linux version? ... yeyeye!
yaaa und bald GC award :P

great awesome success for me :x none of my mates is useing it
2 years of working on it and still the design looks shit :D
[insert random 12 year old flame here because I haven't developed the mental capacity they'll teach me in the 6th grade next year to put any thought into anything that spews from my half developed brain & onto my keyboard plus it makes me cool on the internets in front of all the other kiddies with no sense]
they teach me better things on school then coding :)
Design could be better hope there will be "Skinpacksthings" in later versions!
isnt working for XP SP1
sounds cool :o
sounds like a useful app.
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