MW2 - Leaked Footage & Info

image: mw2bToday is one huge MW2 leak-fest it seems. Portions of the October PSM3 magazine (PS3 gaming mag from the UK), specifically the article Shock and Awe have hit the CoD forums bringing with it new information about the game.

CanadaRob Bowling (Director of Communications / Community Manager) provides an explanation of the customizable killstreak, from the article: ...You can have a three killstreak or a fifteen killstreak if you want, so something like the AC-130 is one of the highest killstreaks you can select."

Therefore, you can choose your killstreak reward! Noobie players might not want to set killstreak awards so high, as they might not ever get them. Instead, they can set smaller killstreak targets, leaving the better players with the ability to achieve more powerful rewards for uber-fragging.

1. " an early viewing of MW2 your eagle-eyed correspondent noticed a level in the build labeled 'International Space Station'...we're taking bets on the first level being space-bound and dealing with a spy satellite falling to earth, providing the context for the early mountain-top Cliffhanger level."

2. "...the rumor-mill has it that the Chernobyl radiation-ravaged ghost town will be making a grand re-appearance - although whether that will be in the main game or simply in cherry-picked moments dished up for the new Special Ops mode is as yet unknown"

3. MW2 Locales:
image: mw2a

Quote1."...five Special Ops missions will be open to you when you first boot up the game and you'll earn stars as you complete each one - with three on offer for the completion of the hardest difficulty, two for the middling one and a measly one should you plump for a simpler experience. Once the stars start pouring in further mission bands will open themselves up to you, going form the five-level strata of Alpha (easy), Bravo, Charlie and Delta all the way to the summit of Echo's three level escapade...Contained with these will be the aforementioned Elimination mode and a few snowmobile timed trials, but also scenes in which you and your buddy must fend off wave after wave of enemies with well-placed claymore mines and sniper rifles in the fashion of CoD4's Pripyat finale."

2. "...another whispered game style...will have one player high above in an AC-130 gunship taking out buildings and infantry with bleak monochrome visuals and inhuman battle-chatter, while the other dashes around a more explosive battlefield.

3. "...Spec Ops is not just a cut/paste affair...We were shown a map taken from the campaign, a network of houses in hilly Russian woodland with a farmstead surrounded by solar panels at the foot of the incline. here ghillie-suited snipers lay camoflaged at the perimeter, while Spec Ops-only bad guys called Juggernauts lumbered through the level coated in body armour that only the most powerful of weapons can pierce. Whether you prepare for a siege in one of the arms-filled houses or take on your foes in open countryside is up to you...Improved AI means that each bout will be noticeably different to your last.

4. The article describes an "Elimination" mission played in Rio's Favela level. You are tasked with taking out 40 AI militamen.

"...the AI...are far in advance of Call of Duty 4 - they're far less tied to cover and much more liable to take advantage of the level's cut-throughs and side-alleys to sneak behind you."

5. Grenade physics have been added. Nades now roll around after they have been tossed and can even back up towards you if they have been tossed straight up.

" an early viewing of MW2 your eagle-eyed correspondent noticed a level in the build labeled 'International Space Station'...we're taking bets on the first level being space-bound and dealing with a spy satellite falling to earth, providing the context for the early mountain-top Cliffhanger level."

"...the rumor-mill has it that the Chernobyl radiation-ravaged ghost town will be making a grand re-appearance - although whether that will be in the main game or simply in cherry-picked moments dished up for the new Special Ops mode is as yet unknown"

3 Leaked Gameplay Footages

I just say "4 hours" :DDDDD
I Told my friend "I dont wait fucking 4 hours for cod:MW2...I just w8 1 week and watch it on youtube" :D

its one week over and i seeeeeee ittt :DDDDD
russkies getting rolled
bestest game <3
i smell a new mouse / game server :d
you only did this so you can get a new mice and a new server!
im in love with this game already
oh pls who the fack r you
Dunno, Im kinda lost
That looks amazing! Rio looks real!
the sp-part will be awesome as usual
you need something with space ship technology to play that...
we are not talking about wolfenstein here bro
actually i was talking about cod...

wtf you think something like space ship could handle wolf haha good story bro...?

maybe in 2060.
It's almost exactly the same system reqs as CoD4...
But I guess you know best?
What's up with this shit, every year they bring out the same game under a new title. Fuckin retarded.
they will do the same with wolf now, 1 new game every 1-2 years is planed
nice rather play this then wolfenstein :p
Seems like cosmetic surgery for cod4.
Kill streak rewards are so gay, "Hey you are good at owning noobs, here have a tool which makes you even better at owning noobs!".
then play promod douche
awards, great, why not go play WoW instead? :-S
achievement unlocked XD
real intelligent comment
SP will be awesome at least
well the certainly proves that playing shooters on a console is fking pathetic. besides that the game looks cool like cod4 so should be phun
wohoo screw wolf! bring it on!
MW2 will be fine, more just like afew new guns and some maps so...cant be too bad!
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