Lay-offs hit Wolfenstein SP developer

The curse that is Wolfenstein continues as Activision have today announced cuts between 30 and 56 jobs out of the original 160 headed staff at Raven Software, the developers of the Wolfenstein single player campaign.

Raven Software was founded in 1990 and was later acquired by Activision. The Middleton, Wisconsin based studio has had a close development relation with id Software, having worked on various games with id Software as producer and also by having used various iterations of id's game engines.

Wolfenstein was the most recent game released by Raven, with sources from Kotaku reporting that the game went over-budget and is under-performing is one of the main reasons behind the layoffs. The company is currently working on UE3 powered Singularity , which was recently pushed back to spring 2010 to avoid a clash with Activision's sixth entry into its number one shooter franchise Call of Duty.

Via Kotaku
More good news :)
Welcome to last week...
Wasn't it endrant staff being sacked last week?
raven was also announced in some journal afaik
the SP was pretty nice actually :€
Its a healthy and justifiable business move.
you reap what you sow.
old as my grandmother
The game seems to sell pretty well, so I doubt it has anything to do with the megalomaniac crossfire mob
only sells good in england
thats because whole europe is buying/ordering the game from there
That's what you get when you release a shit game!

Serves them right
server or mouse?
FUYA business economics...

Quote by FusenIt's amazingly common for a large chunk of development team to get booted once a project has been completed.

I wouldn't read too much info it.

They do a mass hiring spree as soon as they get a new project underway
well executed failed ideas call for decapitation not booting the workers
Give me some examples of a company which laid off people after releasing a successful game (one which sold a good amount of copies). I have plenty of examples of companies were lay-offs occured after producing a bad game, you read about those almost every day. There is a reason you don't see lay-offs at studios which create hit games like Call of Duty from Infinity Ward and why Microsoft recently had its first massive wave of lay-offs ever.
Exactly. I wonder if the Quake 2 developers are still working for ID :). This news i a bit ... :)
[X] John Carmack,
[ ] John Cash
[ ] Brian Hook
[ ] Adrian Carmack,
[X] Kevin Cloud
[ ] Paul Steed
Level Design
[X] Tim Willits,
[ ] American McGee,
[X] Christian Antkow,
[ ] Paul Jaquays,
[ ] Brandon James (started Nerve Software, RTCW MP devs)
[X] Todd Hollenshead
[ ] Barrett Alexander
[ ] Donna Jackson

But only some of those got fired, most left, and id never had a massive round of layoffs.
Yeah, because computer game companies run their businesses like music festivals. Idiot.
Singularity can be really great + UE3 is much better than id tech 4
It's all because the economic crisis :( hopefuly they will still support game with patches.
I can't understand how this could happen. This game is very good, and criticism of it is indeed undeserved. The game has few bugs and the gameplay is awesomely smooth. The panzer is a wonderfully thought out weapon and really adds to the game. This certainly is a game with potential.
To back go HoN nerding HoN
i thought the SP was pretty good actually little bit short but still. MP ruined it for me if it was good i'd bought the game for sure.
the game is rdy so they dont need that many developers.
they can keep the game patching with the rest working for raven :)
too pity the mp team didnt get fired and raven could patch the mp part
I'm playing the single player atm, and I'm a bit disappointed. Everyone is saying that it's good and stuff, but so far it has been pretty average in my eyes (35% completed)
I gotta say I like the Veil powers though (got the normal and the timestopping one so far). Also that you can enter a few ways with it that you couldn't enter before. I think that's pretty unique (correct me if there's something similar in other games, haven't played that many SP games for a while).

The weapon upgrade system also keeps you atleast a little more motivated than in other games, imo. Little bit like tuning your NFS cars :-P
yea well I'm kinda eagerly looking for gold bags etc because upgrading is cool ! And the veil is a nice idea although it's a bit similar like night goggles in some games and the time slowing or shields also are from other games as well. I also got a weapon power + accuracy enhancer veil so far (empower or sth). The secret areas and walls that u can go through are kinda nice though. Also reminded me a bit about wolf3d where u could push the walls to find secret areas.

Maybe it's just because I only play the best SPs that I'm not so impressed in this one. My expectations were high because everyone praises it. And don't take me wrong, it's not bad at all. It just isn't a game that I would play through more than once :)
you ask for similarities? :D
I suggest you play timeshift(there you have the ability to stop/slow down/reverse time, which allows you to e.g. run though collapsing corridors and fly in vent systems), it's pretty neat, so give it a try (SP only, about 7 hours gameplay)
Check out singularity, it looks like a combo between wolf and timeshift :D
I'd also include bioshock into the comparison, but looks good for a single player:D
This is the price for fail
They got what they deserved.
They only made game without identity so owned and well done for their face.
sous merde
SP suck MP suck even more so Raven GTFO
i wouldn't really blame the developers of this game, i would blame the developers of IDTECH4.

work with shit you can only make shit.
The game engine is what might need to be revamped or changed. But that is highly unlikely since that would require a whole new marketing campaign costing millions, something that the shareholders are not willing to do.

Although many within this and other community's have expressed their dissatisfaction in more ways than one, they must realize that the tech 3 engine is very limited when one is focused on xbox,ps3 etc. Keep in mind it is a business, which must kept within a constant profit margin. A brief indication is what has been announced with several talented individuals who lost their jobs.

Lets not forget about individuals who have through exploits of the game or establishing a community have successfully obtained a profit from online gamers by selling so called game hacks (exploits). But i guess that is what is referred to as capitalism. On a side note, Blizzard has cracked down on broken wow servers and has successfully taken individuals and company's to court and has been awarded damages.

As for the new wolfenstein, well as much i might create some antagonism in here, i do see it growing exponentially as there are more improvements on the drawing board. As for the those who oppose or who allow vulgar posts directed to the creators well i guess they should take it with a grain of salt.
exactly,wtf are you on about
dude thats old already.
You're so 3000 and late
waarvan is dat ook alweer
boomboompow - van bonen met zwarte puntjes
Parent expected :-\...too bad thats rtcw2 is a fail was hoping that would be more community :<<
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