www.eSport-files.com 2.0

Hello there, dear Crossfire users.

After months of hard work and arguing, and fighting we finally got the new site done:

www.eSport-files.com has upgraded with a new version, new design, more sections, and have become a more userfriendly site.

Heres a list on whats new & upgraded:

* New design
* News
* Forums
* Download section
* Profiles - UserCP, add buddies, groups and a lot more.
* New sections - eSports Cinema where you can easily watch or post your own fragmovies / movies in a few clicks.
* New Uploader - This makes it easier to upload a file, within a few clicks your done, just add your file, info and images and then click upload and wait for approval!
* We've cleaned up the most to make it all easier to find, such as guides and downloads
* We've added WoW into our gaming section aswel

We've got 745 files devided over 67 categories. These files have been downloaded 200028 times. We hope more files will come during this year 2009.

So upload your files today!

We really hope you will enjoy the new site.

www.eSport-files.com - Filling up your gaming needs.
i dont get it
Which of it?>
previous version looked better
I think this version looks better :P
It looks nice awir, why so much spam on it though?
What you mean with spam?? :P
missing quakelive!
We forgot about that one, will be adding soon. thnx for reminding us :)
Under Wolfenstein section:

1. Wolfenstein ET
2. Return to Castle
3. Return to Castle 2
4. ET: Quake Wars

Sorry.. gonna fix it right away :)
lol I thought same thing

ETQW isnt part of the Wolfenstein franchise, it's part of the Enemy Territory franchise.

Return to Castle 2?????

nice site other than that
Well, we named it RTCW 2 because we wasen't sure what it was gonna be called, and since it was a follower of "RTCW" we named it so. We will change it some time later, we cant keep an eye on everything since we are only 2 people working on the site atm. And its hard to keep an eye on every section. But we are thankful for feedback etc.
and now you renamed it to
1. Wolfenstein ET
2. Return to Castle
3. ET: Quake Wars
4. Wolfenstein 2


its kind of hard to take a site serious if you cant even get the names of the games you support right...
Well thats your opinion mate.

None of us sits and check the internet for new shit 24/7 and since we added that section way before they even start wolfenstein.com site we named it RTCW2 cuz most people called it then..

2nd of all, we are 2 active guys so give us a break alright?
poor excuses, "mate"
wolfenstein was named wolfenstein long before it came out, you had about a year to learn the name -___-
aslo, reason to call it rtcw2 cause _most people called it that_? are they your source of information?

if you intend to run a serious site, you cant expect people to take you seriously if you're incapable of "doing your homework". i dont usually criticize projects people do in their own spare time, as community work you're doing for example. good job there, its appreciated, but i'd say criticism you just got from me might save you the trouble of hearing same things in the future, if you chose to listen to it.
I thank you for your criticism which will help me and my friend improve the site for the future :). And I know you're absolutley right about what your saying. But the truth was I didnt find anything about the name "Wolfenstein" - but I admit it was wrong of me and I should have kept my eyes more open and tried to confirm if the information was right.

As soon I get a crew together which is active.. which is hard today.. it will be much more easier for me aswell to keep a lookout for such misstakes :)

Thanks once again

- Awir
i hope you guys will be running a good site :)
Kinda looks like ESL
.. except we only got configs, scripts, patches guides and such :P
or like ycn-hosting, I like it.
good luck dude. very nice site :)
Thnx mate its appriciated :)
Nice letting people download the leaked beta. I'm sure Sokal pays u a visit.
Tjallare.. jävla moderat!
Din mamma är en pappa.
Nej hon är både och - spelar båda rollerna.

Men jag är fortfarande inget hitte barn som dig, bara för att din mor inte kunde ta hand om dig. ;)
Designen är väldigt fin iallafall, gillar bannern extremt mycket.

Extremt stor smiley då med andra ord.
Det kan du skriva upp!
gl awir :)

guess I used to play with you?
Team and ingame nick? :O
SilCz, uNwise, long long time ago :)
Ahh yea :DD
are you hosting cheats aswell?
Quote ofc not

QuoteSo upload your files today!

so this means you check every new file cvars/ and whats in it ?
Duhh, of course "Awaiting approval"
So this mean your gonna upload your viruses?? :)
lol why would i

just checking if you're letting shit on ur page
Nahh, we always check through files - There has been a few misstakes when we had our old version though, some disallowed cvars but no harm done, they are deleted now. Besides theres a scanner for you to use when your gonna upload or download a file, its in the "upload section" can be located here: http://www.esport-files.com/upload.php
QuoteYour CFG has been accepted. But we noticed you had cheat cvars in it so it will be modiefied and re-uploaded.

Please remove such commands for next upload to make it much easier for us to add your file.


eSport-files.com Crew



just testing .
Hehe i check through every file, first scan it, then i check through the cvars and remove the disallowed ones :p
nice banner
grymt gjort hora, men den förra var nog snyggare!
Tackar jim..

Men sanningen är att denna design är mycket bättre än förra.
Allt har förnyats. Men eftersom vissa är vana vid den gamla designen så brukar man oftast tycka nytt suger - du vänjer dig snart ;)
RTCW 2 :o
when ??
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