SteelSeries ET Challenge Cup Started

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The seedings have been locked and the SteelSeries ET Challenge Cup has now officially begun. The first round of matches must be completed by the end of Thursday the 3rd of September. Please contact the administrators of this cup, either starzi (Jonathan Anastasi) or myself (eyjohn) as soon as possible.

We will be testing the new Tournament Panel system within this tournament (link also available via the menu on the right for any one that is logged in). This system has been designed to both aid the admins and players in running a successful tournament with the least amount of work. This feature is still in the preliminary stages of development (by me) so if you have any comments or suggestions for this section, feel free to drop me a PM. The next few paragraphs will explain how to use the system to arrange and play your matches.

Scheduling your match against your opponents:

You will now see all the tournaments within which you participate in the Tournament Panel. Follow the "Manage" link to view the status of the current tournament. Within this section you will see the next upcoming match and the opposition. You can click on the oppositions team name and this will open up a new window displaying the teams details, you can then find the leaders and send them a PM with your availability for when you wish to play the match. To send the message simply follow the "Send Message" link on the right menu and I'm sure you'll figure out the rest.
Make sure you arrange to play your match before the deadline (03/09/09 for the first round of matches). If you have any problems with this contact the admins ASAP!

Updating the scores once the match has finished:

Once you finish your match, whether you loose or win you will need to update or confirm your score. This will make it easier for us admins and speed up and optimise the running of the tournament saving us from long match update procedures. To update your score, open the Tournament Panel, press "Manage" next to the tournament that appears in the list. If you have the permissions (explained later in troubleshoot section) then you will be able to "View" the match within the "Score Updates" section. Once there you can enter the score of the match, and press "propose". This will then show your proposed score to the oppositions, and some one from their end will need to "Confirm" this score.

Once confirmed the score will be updated and the winner will automatically be entered in their new match and this will also appear within the tournament panel for all the team members to see.

If you make a type or screw up the score then you can with draw it by pressing "view" and then the "Withdraw" button on the score update page


This system relies on a strict validation system, and therefore you may not be allowed to perform some actions because your account wasnt added to the teams correctly:
1) Only members of the team/squad which is participating in the tournament will see the tournament in the Tournament Panel.
2) Only team/squad leaders will have the permission to update the scores, I have noticed that some teams do not have team leaders, to add a team leader go to "Edit Clan" (in my clans section), then "Edit Squad", then remove the player(s) that you want to set team leader, then add them again but set the team level to "Team Leader" when you add them.

Just remember that this system is still under development and you guys are the beta testers (although I pretty much skipped alpha testing too). So if you have any problems THAT ARE NOT EXPLAINED BY TROUBLESHOOTING SECTION, then please send me a PM explaining them and I'll try to fix them.

On a final note, feel free to contact eyjohn (me) or starzi if you have any further questions or problems with this tournament or any of the features above.

The prizes for this tournament are kindly supplied by SteelSeries.

1st: 6 x SteelSeries Ikari Optical
2nd: 6 x SteelSeries QcK Heavy
3rd: 6 x SteelSeries QcK Mass

Now, Good Luck and Have fun :)

P.S - Dnan has replaced pwnrs as they folded
:O hf and gl :>
yow hf!

btw what about YCN Nationscup? any news on this?
It's on hold for now. Lets see what happens with the new Wolfenstein first :)
Okay, I understand.

maybe add some banner to the news, for example this one: ;)
Thanks, much love! xXx
np, looks much better now! :-)
repair my server!
new wolfenstein will fail !!!
United Kingdomsublime to win
image: bracketz

Mamut to win obviously :-/
is it sad/wrong that the best team wins?
Top half seems so much easier than the bottom half. :-/
sublime wont even pass 2nd round...
Not even 1st
yeah, system6 is going to beat them rofl
You still didn't answer why we were removed from the cup and why did you change the brackets without noticing the teams.
Quoteeither starzi (Jonathan Anastasi) or myself (eyjohn) as soon as possible.

QuotePosted by starzi

i knew it jonathan, first you set your jumper on fire now you seem to have some split personality problems...

just remember it's down the road not across the street! <3 :D
Yea, as usual starzi is claiming credit for my work, or copy and pasting my stuff
thought that but maybe he really is mentally charged!? who else would set their jumper on fire :P
I'm pretty sure that font you used for the wings on the banner has copyright on it!

Scheduled: 00:59:00 4th September 2009

It's gona be legen.. wait for it! dary!
Go 0E! :D
GL, TeamPlay will be covering this project as much as possible! HF and hope there will be no dropouts and solid coverage here. Btw make this STICKY, its W:ET!
hf mamut
good luck to all.provide some nice games for the viewers oO
they needed some noob teams to fill in the empty spots :(

No offense tho ....
Is it me, or do i only count 3/4 great teams in this cup????
That depends what you define as great teams :D
every team u play in is great <3
But im no longer playing in a team that plays in the cup :[
my point exactly friend :) (almost no more great teams :D)
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